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Three Superfoods to Add to Your Dog’s Diet On a Tight Budget

three superfoods to add to your dog diet on a tight budget boulder holistic vet angie krause

I recommend that pet guardians feed their animals a high-quality diet with the least amount of processing.  Depending on the dog, raw, dehydrated raw and home cooked are some of the best diets available. However, this is not always practical. For many, feeding big dogs or multiple dogs these diets are just not affordable. For others, they may be too time-consuming. If you would like to be feeding your dog a higher quality diet but just can’t make it work, consider adding these three super foods daily or weekly.

  1. Eggs. These guys are packed with vitamins and minerals. Hard boiled or scrambled eggs make a great topper to your dog’s breakfast or dinner.
  2. Blueberries. Not only are blueberries great treats but they contain antioxidants that are beneficial to your dog’s health. Frozen blueberries are more affordable. Whenever possible, choose organic.
  3. Gelatin. This is a great source of protein and helps with digestive health.

Check out this great recipe from Modern Dog Magazine to make dog treats.

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1 thought on “Three Superfoods to Add to Your Dog’s Diet On a Tight Budget”

  1. Sam&Sunny sells

    Thank you so much angie. Will get on it. Used to make my own food but decided it was too tedious. Will try and get back to it. Milo is more than worth it. Is it too soon to think about acupuncture? And if not I recall that you perform that service. Milo is doing well. Plays and enjoys his massages. Thankfully his last chemo was 2 weeks ago. I hate having that poison put into him. But I guess it’s all for good reason. Thanks again fo e-mail liked it very much. Hope all is well with you & Claire. Sam sells.

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