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Holistic Healing in the Comfort of Your Home
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Empowering pet parents to raise happy, healthy, high-vibe pets!
Holistic Healing
in the Comfort
of Your Home

Dr. Angie Krause

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Natural Wellness and Longevity Products

Empowering pet parents to raise
happy, healthy, high-vibe pets!
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Welcome to Boulder Holistic Vet! If you are interested in holistic medicine for your cat or dog, you are in the right place! I am Dr. Angie Krause, a Western trained veterinarian who incorporates many modalities in my practice. My mission is to improve the health and longevity of dogs and cats with holistic medicine and empower pet owners to become medical advocates for their animals.

Please make yourself at home and look around. Check out the blog for tips on caring for your pets naturally.

Have a question? Send me an email or find me on Facebook. You can also schedule a video consultation with me! I am so happy you are here and can’t wait to meet you!

With love, Dr. Angie

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“Jaynie has had issues with food allergies, inflammation and back pain. Traditional vets were fast to inject her with steroids, prescribe medication and recommend food filled with unsavory ingredients. Luckily, we found Dr. Angie at Boulder Holistic Vet and her treatments have made a huge difference in our pup’s life.

Jaynie is now on a healthy diet, featuring raw food, ferments and homemade chicken stock. Through acupuncture treatments, she is back to normal—after being told she’d possibly need spinal surgery. We are so happy (and relieved) that Jaynie is thriving thanks to Dr. Angie and her team.”

~ Nikki & Josh
“I initially called Dr. Angie because Frida had issues with incontinence and Maggie had started having seizures earlier that year. I had been avoiding the vet, because I really didn’t want to load them up with medication that would have terrible side-effects. I voiced my concerns to Dr. Angie and she was able to prescribe Chinese herbs for both of my dogs. Maggie’s seizures have significantly reduced and Frida no longer deals with incontinence. I would highly recommend Dr. Angie and her services.”

~ Kristen
“When Squeaky started developing the same symptoms Wiggles had, Dr. Angie and Claire were on top of it with good advice, and now he’s better. They saved him. And they care about me, and about our relationship. It’s not just a business. That’s a real treasure that is rare in this world, and I thank you, Angie and Claire. Squeaky and Caboodle are looking forward to a long and healthy life, and me, a happier life, with your help.”

~ Jan
"From her happy smile entering the door, to her calm and collectiveness while performing the grossest of tasks (my dog needs his anal glands expressed EVERY visit) she is the sweetest and most caring vet around! Her holistic approach literally saved our 8 year old orange tabby after a severe allergic reaction to a rabies vaccine. She has not only made an impact on his life in healing him, but she brought my baby Chester back to life when he was at his lowest low."

~ Ana, Josh, Hank, Chester, Louis & Smudge
“Jaynie has had issues with food allergies, inflammation and back pain. Traditional vets were fast to inject her with steroids, prescribe medication and recommend food filled with unsavory ingredients. Luckily, we found Dr. Angie at Boulder Holistic Vet and her treatments have made a huge difference in our pup’s life.

Jaynie is now on a healthy diet, featuring raw food, ferments and homemade chicken stock. Through acupuncture treatments, she is back to normal—after being told she’d possibly need spinal surgery. We are so happy (and relieved) that Jaynie is thriving thanks to Dr. Angie and her team.”

~ Nikki & Josh
“I initially called Dr. Angie because Frida had issues with incontinence and Maggie had started having seizures earlier that year. I had been avoiding the vet, because I really didn’t want to load them up with medication that would have terrible side-effects. I voiced my concerns to Dr. Angie and she was able to prescribe Chinese herbs for both of my dogs. Maggie’s seizures have significantly reduced and Frida no longer deals with incontinence. I would highly recommend Dr. Angie and her services.”

~ Kristen
“When Squeaky started developing the same symptoms Wiggles had, Dr. Angie and Claire were on top of it with good advice, and now he’s better. They saved him. And they care about me, and about our relationship. It’s not just a business. That’s a real treasure that is rare in this world, and I thank you, Angie and Claire. Squeaky and Caboodle are looking forward to a long and healthy life, and me, a happier life, with your help.”

~ Jan
"From her happy smile entering the door, to her calm and collectiveness while performing the grossest of tasks (my dog needs his anal glands expressed EVERY visit) she is the sweetest and most caring vet around! Her holistic approach literally saved our 8 year old orange tabby after a severe allergic reaction to a rabies vaccine. She has not only made an impact on his life in healing him, but she brought my baby Chester back to life when he was at his lowest low."

~ Ana, Josh, Hank, Chester, Louis & Smudge
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