Today I am going to give you a simple and easy-to-make food that can drastically improve the health of your pet’s gut. Chicken broth has been used for centuries to help heal the sick. It’s no coincidence that chicken noodle soup is the universal food for those affected with a cold or flu.
Why is chicken broth so healing? It is rich in vitamins, minerals and collagen. These components can help improve your pet’s digestion and overall immune function. Joints and skin are rich in collagen, a protein that heals and coats the lining of the intestines, and bones are a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Here’s what you’ll need to get started:
- stock pot
- ice cube trays or mason jars
- water
- 2 chicken legs with skin and bone.
Check out the video here. Instructions are also listed below.
Cooking Instructions:
Put two chicken legs in stock pot with bone and skin. Fill with water. Bring to boil and let simmer for 90 minutes. This creates a gentle broth. Keep in the refrigerator for 7 days and in the freezer for up to 6 months. Freeze in ice cube trays for easy way to thaw one serving at a time.
Feeding instructions:
Start slow here. If your dog or cat has a history of pancreatitis, please work with your veterinarian.
- Cats and small dogs: 1 tsp on food twice daily
- Medium sized dogs: ½ tbsp on food twice daily
- Large dogs: 1 tbsp on food twice daily
Of course, always consult with your vet and please comment below or post on Facebook if you have any questions. I’d also love to hear about how you have improved your pet’s health with broth.
With love,
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Is this broth okay to give to cats with kidney disease? I also read that thighs are best because of higher taurine and lower phosphorus?
Thank you so much!
Hi Samira,
There’s not a simple response to this question and we absolutely love that you are asking the questions! It’s nuanced depending on your kitty’s stage of kidney disease, daily diet and your feeding strategy, how much protein is in the broth, etc. We would like to further support you and would recommend Dr. Angie’s kidney course and/or scheduling a video consultation with Dr. Angie. You can use this link to schedule one-on-one time with her. Keep advocating! JoJo, Veterinary Nurse
Thank you so much, JoJo!
Thank you your recipe was very nice, healthy and delicious.
So glad you loved it!
**updated add-on**
I use chicken stock with no seasoning. My dad owns a butcher house and he makes it himself. He also made Andrèa bone broth with capnip flakes as the seasoning. When he came over yesterday he gave her a tease taster, which she loved.
As of today August 24th she is doing so much better, we do have a follow up visit in 3 weeks, since her she was under weight. I did buy 6-6×6 reusable ice packs and made an cooled bed for her. I bought six so I can change them out I use two at a time. I made this bed and I put it near her spot she likes to go to all the time.
We are so glad to hear that your veterinary team was able to support Andrea and that she seems to be turning a corner. Hugs for her grief and for yours too. JoJo
***Update on Andrèa***
I had to end up taking Andrèa to the vet, she had a seizure and was vomiting. She was extremely dehydrated and under weight, they gave her fluids. We had a conversation about her behavior and the trauma we both went through with Gizzy and Kyros. The veterinarian said Andrèa is suffering from Feline Depression. We ( the vet and I) have completely changed things up, she has a feeding routine now and is now eating Hill Science Diet Perfect Weight 2 times daily with Friskes lil’ Shakes w/enticing chicken blended coconut milk as a topper and for now she has a 1 cup dish so I can monitor her fluid intake. I also bought concentrated Chicken Stock and I put 1 tsp in her water (with the veterinarian’s recommendation.) It has literally only been 2 days, but her water intake has increased, so has her appetite and her mischievous and sneaky feettacks (she attacks my feet while I’m walking, under the blankets, in the tub, yeah she loves baths and shower. lol) She is slowing getting back to her old playful self. Thank you much for your help as well.
My baby (Andrèa) is 15 months old now.
In June we lost her sister ( Gizzy) and brother (Kyros) due to a camper fire. They were all very close since birth, since they are no longer with us, I’ve noticed a chance in her behavior. She does eat or drink much anymore, I have since transferred her to free feed and a water fountain, but that isn’t help much either. Where we live has no AC, and keeping her hydrated is a huge concern for me. I bought a window unit for my bedroom but she doesn’t want anything to do with AC, she’d rather stay in the hottest part of the house. If you have any suggestions, I will be open to anything at this point.
Hi there,
I am so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of Gizzy and Kyros. I imagine this is incredibly painful for each of you, including Andrea. It might be worth seeing if you can find a canned food that Andrea is interested in as canned foods contain a good amount of moisture. You may have to try a few different brands, flavors, and formulations (pate vs stews) to see what she takes a liking to. Finding a canned food that she will eat can really help to improve her hydration. If she’s eating a kibble, you can try adding a bone broth (make sure onions are not on the ingredient list) to her food and see if that entices her to eat. At any time if you feel that she’s dehydrated, it would be best to contact your local veterinarian for support. Let us know if you find something she gets excited to eat. Hugs, JoJo
Oops – sorry, I meant chicken skin of course. Jeesh, typing too fast. Love to hear the answer whether to leave on prior to creating broth or if skinless bone-in chicken is okay too.
Curious to know if it is necessary to leave the chicken on, or can you remove it before you make broth out of the bone-in chicken (without skin). Would this alleviate the extra fat our kitty may consume, and with that, avoiding any potential pancreatitis issues? Would love to know! Thank you.
Hi Kim,
I think it should be just fine to use chicken without the skin! Did I answer your question?
Let me know!
Claire Primo
Yes, you sure did! I’ve been checking a few recipes out, including the one offered on and there was indication of perhaps too fatty once the broth is made. So, I was just wondering if removing the skin would cut down on that being consumed or cause trouble for my cat. It makes sense to me, but I wanted to hear it from the source……thanks Claire for you time !!
Hi Kim,
Of course! Please continue to keep us posted!
does the broth thicken up. my kitten likes her fry food. I also give her moist food. she just likes the broth.
It will likely not thicken too much.
Let us know how it goes!
Hi. My fur baby is having urinary issues and he has already been to the vet and they can’t do anythjng for him . Will this help him?
Hi Rahee!
It could potentially help with adding more moisture and increasing hydration, which is almost always a good way to promote urinary health!
Have you tried it yet, and how is your boy doing?
With love,
I’m curious how a broth might contribute to pancreatitis? Is it the fat? We have two Maine Coons and they are BIG eaters. I was thinking about making a good broth (they always lick up an juices in their canned foods first) as a sort of snack to hold them over between their meals so they aren’t over-eating. I’m wondering what the general dos and don’ts are for making healthy broth for cats? Obviously no salt, garlic, onion. Are there any seasonings that are good or is it best to stick with just the meat and water? With regard to pancreatitis, could giving them broths regularly cause it? My cats are both youngsters and presently very healthy I just don’t want to possible contribute to a problem in the future. Thanks for all input!
Hi April,
Great questions!
Yes, absolutely the fat!
You can certain season it bit (avoid onions) but for kitties prone to pancreatitis, or who may have GI upset,something more blunt may be best.
I hope that this helps!
My 11 gr old golden just had a cyst removed off leg that was cancer. Not sure if he has others on his body. Vet will ck next week. Is there supplements I can give him to help. Hopefully there is no more cancer. But I feed him Iams and Purina one chicken dry food. Cup and 1/2 twice a day is this good?
Hi Fran,
Great question!
Here are Dr. Angie’s go-to supplements for supporting pups who have had or have cancer.
I hope that this helps, and keep us posted!
Would love an actual recipe. How much water to 2 chicken legs??
Stock pots range in size from 6-8- quarts up to 16 quarts and more.
Hi Kate,
You can add enough water to generously cover the chicken legs.
I hope this helps!
Question can I give my cat the cooked chicken ? I made the broth they love both broth and the chicken
Hi Kate,
As long as your kitty does well with chicken, it should be fine to treat them with this! You’d still want to make sure you’re feeding a balanced diet but chicken can be a great topper, treat, or snack!
My cat is almost a year and he’s obsessed with the fancy feat fish fillets. He started to throw up and we had to take him off of it He loves some flavor in his food (blue Buffalo wild for kittens. Is that good for him?) but I don’t want to feed him something that makes him throw up. I’m hoping this will do the trick. Also, is it good to have them on a feeding schedule? I read it can improve behavior and sleep I just need a second opinion on that
Hi Ella,
I am so sorry for this delayed response!
How is your kitty doing? Is he still vomiting and what is he eating now?
Would you recommend this for a cat who is prone to pancreatitis? We have him on prescription food but it only comes in chunks. Even though we mash it up for him he seems to lick all the juices out. I thought this might help encourage to eat more of his food.
Thanks for sharing this recipe. We have recently started making meat stock for our gut health & I noticed this recipe is a lot like the ones we use when making meat stock for ourselves. Is this a recipe that people can enjoy also or does it have to be cooked longer? It would be cool to have a recipe that ALL members of our family could benefit from. 🙂
Hi Cris,
I’m so glad that you enjoyed these recipes!
You could certainly enjoy this recipe as well! We just recommend a broth that isn’t cooked as long as a normal broth, as well as avoiding onion.
I hope this helps, let us know how your pet does with the addition of broth!
My 8 months old kitty has oxalate and struvites in her urine. She was on Darwin’s raw diet for the past 4 months. Vet wants he on a prescription wet food but she won’t eat it. Tried 3 kinds including all the tricks, tuna and sardine water, mixed a little raw with the prescription, Inaba Chruru mixed with the prescription, clam juice. Nothing works. Any other trick I might not heard of?
Vet said other than surgery, this prescription diet is the only thing that works. I really don’t want that for her now, she is too young to put her through that. She is on antibiotics and Uromax.
I need her to start eating this diet.
Thank you!
Hi Claudia,
I am SO sorry for this delayed response!
Whatever happened with the prescription food for your girl? Did she ever end up eating it? To be honest, all of the suggestions that you tried are ones that I would have mentioned too. I can tell you are doing an incredible job!
Please keep us posted!
Thank you so much for this recipe because I’ve been looking for something like this that I can give my wonderful cat Elvis. He is 13 going on 14 soon . I believe he has also gone into remission from diabetes just in the last couple of months. He has not had to have insulin in over a month now. 3 years ago he weighed 24 lbs and is now 16 lbs. the vet I go to said that he has two cracked teeth and considerable tartar buildup and needs to have the dental work done but wants to do it when he gets down to around 12 pounds; any input on this would be much appreciated. I worry about him so much and I’m concerned about him being put under anesthesia but considering how bad his mouth is they said that the benefits outweigh the risk. Any input on this please!!!
His breath was smelling so so bad and he got an antibiotic and then it was so much better but they said he really does need the dental work! I’m just a very concerned kitty mama!!! I was also wondering is this ok to give to him to drink on a regular basis if he wants?? Also, can any veggies be put in? I know carrots are safe !
Hi Paula,
Thank you for reaching out!
Dental procedures can greatly increase the comfort levels in our animals. It’s so hard to assess dental disease without full mouth radiographs (which require general anesthesia). At that time, your vet will assess Elvis’ level of dental disease and handle the effected teeth appropriately. Anesthesia is generally quite safe when done properly. That said, it’s completely understandable to feel worried (he’s your baby!).
I would continue working closely with Elvis’ veterinarian regarding his diabetes and when to have his dental procedure done!
Will you keep us posted?!
All three of my fur babies have/had chronic kidney disease, I lost my two girls to it. They were sisters, ages 14 & 15 respectfully. My 15 year old male was just recently diagnosed. I’ve become more proactive in keeping him healthy as long as I can. I had all their teeth cleaned. Very, very important for their overall health! Don’t put it off. I was very worried about the anesthesia due to their ages. Many of my cat friends have had their furbabies teeth cleaned and all agree the risks are small & the benefits are numerous and they were right. Then I changed the diet…wet prescription food only, no dry food ever. I also started making my own chicken broth. Boil 1 whole chicken in water with three carrots & three celery stalks for 90 Minutes. DO NOT add salt or spices! Remove chicken & veggies and you’ve got healthy chicken broth. I freeze most of it and keep a jar in the fridge to use daily. This really helps with hydration, keeping his appetite up and supplies him with extra good nutrients that he really loves. Don’t worry, have his teeth cleaned and make sure to keep your loved on hydrated.
Good luck, Debbie & Fury Cat.
You are doing an amazing job!!!
I just started feeding my dog a raw diet I am very worried because it contains sunflower oil and after researching I found that it can cause mycotoxin toxic mold .I buy this in a shop that sells top of the line dry food but I don’t want my little girl eating all the carbs and other things they put in dry food.Now have I gone from one bad thing to another by giving her a pre made raw food with sunflower oil in it?
Hi Carolyn,
Thanks for your comment! I certainly understand your worry about mycotoxin mold! It seems like there is always something that we need to be concerned about in our pets’ food doesn’t it? Fortunately, many reputable pet food companies are on top of preventing contamination from such toxins. I suggest contacting the food company and inquiring about their quality testing protocols. Keep us posted as to what you find out.
Jacqui I had a Vet Appt .today for my 8 yr.old Morkie.Just recently I started her on raw food.Ingredients Beef Muscle Chicken with bone,Beef Kidney,Beef Liver,Eggs,Kale,-Cranberries,Sunflower Oil,Kelp and Eggshell. I was told the chicken could have contamination and that there wasn’t enough nourishment to keep her healthy. I am just sick over this.I thought I was giving my little girl something that was good for her.I am trying a kibble that will keep her healthy but when I find one then it has something that I think is bad for her.She also said to much protein from meat can cause kidney damage.Help!Thank-you Is there one food that you could steer me in the direction of?
Hi Carolyn,
I understand how frustrated you must be trying to find a food that is balanced, safe to feed and that your Morkie will like. With all of the brands of food out there, and with so much information circling around as to what is good for dogs and what is bad, it can certainly be overwhelming to know what to feed your best friend. If you haven’t already read Dr. Angie’s blog “What Should I Feed My Dog,” I highly recommend this as a good place to start. She discusses the difference between commercial diets and home cooked diets, and gives suggestions as to how to choose what is best for your pet. If you think commercial food is the best fit for your girl, here are some commercial brands that Dr. Angie suggests. If you would like to cook for her, I recommend reading “How To Cook a Balance Diet for Your Dog” to help you select an ingredient list that is balanced and includes foods that your pup likes.
I hope that this information is helpful and that you are able to find the right food for your girl! It is obvious that you want the best for her and are on the right track! Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Is this tablespoon measurement of the liquid? My pup has to have her leg amputated. Is this something that would help her heal. What else could I give her?
Yes it is a measurement of the prepared liquid broth. I’m sorry to hear about your pup’s leg. Bone broth would be great to give her to promote healing and is a nutritious treat to give her any time. We find that chiropractic and acupuncture therapies are a great addition to help amputees adjust to their new way of getting around. Amazingly most dogs do great with 3 legs. Wishing your girl a speedy recovery.
You can make homemade bone broth in a crockpot, too!
I feel like you can with a different recipe.