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Keep Your Pet Safe on July 4th

Fourth of July Pet Safety Boulderholisticvet

Did you know that July 5th is one of the busiest days for animal shelters across the country? Fourth of July can be one of the most dangerous holidays for both cats and dogs. Here are a few ways you can keep your pet safe:

1. Manage Your Pet’s Anxiety

Many pets break out of homes and backyards because they are so startled by fireworks. I have had my own canine patients jump through windows and eat through doors. If your pet has any kind of sound phobia, you may want to consider helping with supplements or pharmaceuticals.

For mild to moderate sound phobias I use HempRx starting at 0.5 mg/kg twice daily. It’s helpful to start treating a few weeks ahead of the holiday to see how your pet responds.

For more severe storm phobias I use HempRx alongside pharmaceutical drugs such as trazadone or diazepam.

Talk with your veterinarian ahead of time to get a sedative that is the most appropriate for your pet.

2. Keep Your Pet Physically Safe

Now that we have lessened your pet’s anxiety, now it’s time to keep them physically safe. Don’t leave your pet in the yard, even if that yard is secure, and if possible bring outdoor kitties inside. Keep your pet in a basement or in the innermost room with a sound machine or fan to drown out the noise.

3. Keep Your Pet Cool

Heat stroke is unfortunately common this time of year. Direct sunlight and hot cars are the most common culprits. Make sure your pet has access to fresh water, shade or air conditioning during holiday outings and festivities.

4. Register Your Pet’s Microchip

If the unthinkable happens and your pet is lost, a microchip can help you be reunited. However, many pets are microchipped with an unregistered chip. Be sure your pet’s microchip is registered and your contact information is up to date. If you need help with this, call your veterinarian for assistance.

How will you be keeping your pet safe this Fourth of July? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!

With love,
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