What To Do If Your Pet Gets Cancer

Getting the cancer diagnosis for your pet can be terrifying, heart breaking and completely overwhelming. You may feel angry, confused and scared. In this article I am going to take you through how to get through the days ahead with a solid plan.

First, I will give you a list of do’s and don’ts then I will give you some practical tips of things you can start doing now to help your pet.

To begin, let’s discuss the things you WILL NOT do. Please, don’t do these.

  1. Look for a cause. One of the first questions pet parents ask is ‘How did this happen?’. It’s natural to want to find someone or something to blame in this situation. The downside of doing this is that it doesn’t accomplish anything. It will only cause you to feel exhausted and angry. Right now you need to get focused. (Side note: This topic does matter, and we will definitely revisit this. It just doesn’t help right now to spend any resources here.)
  2. Google. Okay, so I know it is totally unrealistic to ask you not to search the web. I know I ‘google’ EVERYTHING. Let’s just put some limits on this activity. Don’t lose sleep because you got lost in cyberspace all night. I am going to tell you exactly what resources are worth your time on the web.

Now let’s get to your DO list.

  1. Get a diagnosis. What type of cancer is really important information when making your plan. Whenever possible it’s helpful to have what’s called a histological diagnosis. This means that a pathologist at a lab has looked at the cancer cells under a microscope. This can tell us how aggressive the cancer is and sometimes it can tell us if it was completely removed.
  2. Get the cancer staged. This requires using imaging and sometimes other types of biopsies to see if the cancer has spread. Generally x-rays of the chest and an ultrasound of the abdomen is required. For some this may not be feasible financially or may not make sense in particular cases.
  3. Get a team of veterinarians. Consulting with a veterinary oncologist can be really helpful. They can give you all your options for radiation and chemotherapy and will be giving you the most updated protocol. Find a holistic or integrative veterinarian to help you use alternative therapies most effectively.

Now that you are focused, let’s go over some things you can start doing right away. These are recommendations I make for all pets with cancer in my practice.

Diet –

Like all nutritional philosophies, there a lot of differing and conflicting theories out there. I will present you with both ends of the spectrum and give you my opinion of both.

Low Protein Diet: This a popular diet used for people with cancer. The Gerson Method is a popular version of this diet that uses a plant based, low fat, low protein protocol. Other diets that advocate for low protein diets are pH centered. Generally meats are considered acidic and are limited on such regimens.

My opinion: While I do appreciate the theory around these diets, I don’t think they are appropriate for cats. I have seen some dogs thrive with lower protein diets but I think they are the exception. If you decide to use such protocols, adapt them to dogs by using a moderate protein diet. Check out Dr. Deva Khalsa’s material for more on a lower protein diet for cancer. 

High Protein Diet: This is where many experts in natural animal health industry align. This goes back to the idea that we should be modeling what our dogs and cats would be eating in the wild. Therefore, we should be feeding very low or a no grain diet.

My opinion: We really need more research on this topic. For now, I definitely take this approach with cats and design diets for dogs on a case by case basis.

What I can say with certainty is that patients with cancer should have more fresh whole foods in their diet. The less processed the better. Whether you use a raw diet or use a home cooked diet, add these superfoods whenever possible:

  • Blueberries
  • Kale
  • Avocado (no pit)
  • Fermented foods
  • Sardines (canned in water)

Supplements –

This is where you can absolutely go crazy and feed your dog more supplements than food. If you have a kitty, supplements become more difficult for those often picky eaters! For that reason, I am going to give you my top three supplements that I use in practice for animals with cancer.

  • Cannabis oil. Here are links to my posts about cannabis for dogs and cats.
  • Onco Support. Click here to order or learn more.
  • Omega 3 Supplements. I really like Ultra EFA. If your pet is allergic to fish consider krill oil or green lipped mussel as a great source of omegas.

Save 10% when you purchase my Canine Cancer Support Bundle!

Herbal therapy –

This is a time when herbal therapy really shines. For cancers that bleed like hemangiosarcoma and nasal carcinomas, herbal formulas like Yunnan Baiyao can reduce or even stop bleeding altogether. Find a veterinarian that practices Traditional Chinese Medicine or is proficient in Western herbology.

Here are some great online resources:

Dr. Sue, The Cancer Vet

Dr. Rob Silver, DVM

Veterinary Partner

This is big, scary stuff. Remember that there are many resources out there to help you. I am sending you a big hug and a lot of understanding.

Has your pet received a cancer diagnosis? Do you have any tips to share with other pet parents?

Leave a comment below.

Sending you so much love,
dr. angie signature boulder holistic vet

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11 thoughts on “What To Do If Your Pet Gets Cancer”

  1. My Lab has been diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma – I have started her on Yunan Baiyao – is it ok to also guu in be her full spectrum 10,000mg CBD?

    Thank you

    • Hi Lisa,

      I am so sorry for this diagnosis. I combine these two treatments with my patients frequently. I usually start with 10 mg CBD twice daily and work up to 20 mg of CBD twice daily. Please let me know if you need any help.

      Dr. Angie

  2. My cat had a 1 cm cancerous lung tumor removed 3 days before Easter this year. It had not metastasized and it was a clean removal so chemo and radiation were not recommended. A month ago I discovered a small lump at her incision site and it has turned into the most aggressive tumor I’ve ever seen. It is cancer and she only has a few weeks left, if I’m lucky. The oncologist she saw Monday said there’s nothing they can do. I had been giving her CBD oil but probably not consistently enough to foo anything after the surgery. I am so desperate to do anything I can to save her because I love her so much. Is there anything else I can try? I’ve heard medicinal mushrooms may slow the growth but I don’t know what supplements are ok for a cat. Time is of the essence so if you have any suggestions on how I can slow or shrink this tumor I would be so grateful. She’s only 13. Thanks.

    • Hi Samantha,

      I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s cancer diagnosis.

      CBD does have anti-cancer properties. There is some research that shows it can kill cancer cells, but often we are using these supplements to increase quality of life. For cancer patients, Dr. Angie uses 0.50mg/kg twice daily on day 1, working up to 1mg/kg twice daily by day 2. How much does she weigh?

      You are doing a great job, and I am sending you the biggest of hugs.


  3. My dog was diagnosed with nasal carcinoma this past Saturday.
    She was given Temaril (soon to be replaced with prednisone) and yunnan Baiyao capsules.
    I have a few questions.
    I have her on a home prepared diet now and am using all organic products; coconut oil, turmeric, kale, broccoli, blueberries, eggs and turkey (browned in coconut oil).
    My questions are: can I give her the Yunnan Baiyao daily? The description on the package from vet says yes but I read online someone suggesting a cycle of 5 days on/ 5 days off.
    Also would CBD oil be another alternative I could try? And be safe with both the steroid and Yunnan Baiyao?
    I would love to get her off steroids if possible as she’s had some side effects but want to make sure I keep inflammation and pain under control.

    • Hi Kathleen,

      Thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry to hear about your pup’s recent diagnosis. I am sending you both big hugs.

      You can absolutely give Yunnan Baiyao daily. It also should be okay to give with CBD and your pup’s steroids.

      I hope this helps! Please keep us posted!


      • Is there anything else we can do for her? I understand that there is no cure. But would love to make her as comfortable as possible while she is still with us.

        • Hi Kathleen,

          You are truly doing a great job. The home cooked diet is wonderful, as well as the herbs and supplements. CBD may be able to provide comfort as well.

          We are sending you such a big hug.


  4. My cat has been diagnosed with either a liver tumor or liver disease, The blood work should come in tomorrow or[spoiler title=" "]<strong><a href="http://"><ul>
    the next day. The initial diagnosis was the wet form of FIP but that has been ruled out. Her belly is very large but other that that she seems perfectly normal with no other symptoms. Will medical hemp help her?

    • Hi Phyllis,

      I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s condition. I know this is a difficult time for you both.

      It’s hard to know if CBD will help, since there isn’t an official diagnosis. We do see CBD help with a tremendous number of conditions, and symptoms. So depending on what is going on – it absolutely has the ability to help. Some common symptoms that it helps with are: increasing appetite, decreasing nausea, increasing well being, and decreasing comfort. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory and support/promotes healthy immune function. So, it’s really a great herb for almost anyone! 🙂

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope that this information is helpful, and that you find answers very soon. Big hugs to you both.


  5. My friend’s pet dog is suffering from cancer. She is so upset. I am thinking about suggesting her CBD oil for her pet. Is there any side effect of it? Please help me out with this.


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