CBD 101: CBD for Your Cat

The market is exploding with cannabis products for cats. I get asked regularly about the medicinal use of CBD for kitties. Over the past few years, I have been using cannabis (CBD) for many of my feline patients with excellent results. I have been extremely impressed with the improvement in quality of life for so many cats and I want all cat parents to know about this  powerful and natural resource. Unfortunately, our feline friends are under served members of our families,  as we have less treatment options for many of their diseases.  In this article I will give you an overview of what cannabis is, how it may help your feline friend, and the products I trust.


Cannabis, CBD & THC

There is much debate and stigma around these terms. I think it is important to understand their meanings and bust a few myths. Cannabis sativa is a general plant name. There are many different strains of this plant. Some strains make the federally illegal marijuana and others make hemp for industrial and therapeutic use. It is important to understand that the cannabis plant that makes industrial hemp is different than the plant that makes medicinal hemp. 


In general, cannabis plants contain both CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). These are both medicinal compounds. CBD cannot cause a ‘high’ and THC is the psychoactive component that will cause a ‘high’. Products made with less than 0.3% THC are legal in all 50 states. These are the products I use in my practice with excellent results. 


Products made with less than 0.3% THC are legal in all 50 states.

These are the products I use and recommend in my practice.

Cannabis Plant for Pet. Image by Miran Rijavec.Marijuana is currently legal in a few states including Colorado. As a result, I frequently see cat parents sharing their cannabis products with their cats. While cats are thought to have a similar sensitivity to THC as humans, the sensation of being ‘high’ can be very uncomfortable. Kitties can’t tell us that they are scared or hallucinating and therefore I recommend avoiding THC in kitties. 


While THC has many therapeutic properties, legislation to make it legal and research to find therapeutic doses for pets is needed.


To keep the content of this post practical and legal, we will focus on products that contain high amounts of CBD and less than 0.3% THC. Even though I practice veterinary medicine in Colorado (a state in which marijuana is legal), I hold a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) license at the federal level. Therefore, I keep my recommendations in line with the federal law. 


What’s so great about CBD anyways?

Using cannabis as medicine is not new.

We are not the first civilization that has used this plant for it’s medicinal purposes. What’s great about modern technology and medical research is that we now have the technology to harness the medicinal properties of cannabis and to innovate pure products.


While there is emerging research on the use of cannabis for dogs (cat studies to follow!), much of what we know today is anecdotal or extrapolated from human medicine. Anecdotal evidence is mainly composed of individual reports. For example, a cat might have accidentally ingested some medical marijuana and the guardian noticed a resolution of symptoms. Maybe after consuming the cannabis, the pet was able to jump on the bed again or was more playful.


CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce anxiety, improve overall well being, reduce pain and lessen or eliminate  seizure activity. To learn more about CBD and the physiology behind cannabis, check out this article



Below are some conditions that CBD may be helpful for in kitties:

1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): This is frustratingly common in cats. CBD may have a place alongside other therapies to help reduce inflammation and therefore symptoms. Cats with IBD may vomit, have diarrhea or may lose weight. To learn more about why cats vomit click here. I generally use diet and herbs to help control IBD symptoms in kitties.


Dosing: I start with 0.2 mg/kg twice daily and increase gradually for kitties with IBD. If you are using HempRx, I start with 1-2 drops twice daily and then increase.


2. Pancreatitis: Many cats with IBD also have pancreatitis. Like IBD it can be frustrating to treat. I use a low fat diet, HempRx, herbal remedies, and digestive enzymes to help control inflammation of the pancreas.


Dosing: I start with 0.1 mg/kg twice daily and increase to 0.5 mg/kg twice daily. If you are using HempRx, start with 1 drop twice daily and increase gradually. If your kitty tolerates this product, I recommend getting the HempRx Forte as it will require smaller volumes of oil for the same dose. It is twice as concentrated. It is very important to minimize fat consumption in these kitties.


3. Arthritis: Cats that suffer from arthritis need all the help they can get. Unfortunately many painful cats suffer because we don’t have great pharmaceutical options that are safe. Because cats tend to be reclusive and don’t travel as readily, they are less likely to get treatment for their aches and pains. I have found CBD to be an extremely effective anti-inflammatory for these kitties. 


Dosing: I start with 0.5 mg/kg of CBD twice daily and increase gradually. If you are using HempRx, start with 2-4 drops twice daily and increase. It can take 2-4 weeks to see results with body pain. Be patient!

4. Cancer: This is a popular use for CBD in both animals and people. There are many reports of longer survival times with better quality of life for both people and animals with cancer. Unfortunately, we don’t have any great studies that prove how or why this happens. This will change in the near future.


Dosing: I start with 0.5 mg/kg of CBD twice daily and increase gradually. If you are using HempRx, start with 2-4 drops twice daily and increase.


5. Asthma. Like all of the disease listed above, asthma is a common inflammatory disease of cats. Some cats have very minor symptoms that need little to no medical interventions. Other cats require life long treatment by inhaler. CBD may be a great option to help these kitties have less inflammation and therefore less asthma attacks. It is important that you never stop medications your kitty is taking before speaking with your veterinarian. If your cat needs an inhaler to breathe, don’t substitute CBD oil for their daily inhaled medications.


Dosing: I start with 0.5 mg/kg of CBD twice daily and increase gradually. If you are using HempRx, start with 2-4 drops twice daily and increase.


6. Chronic Upper Respiratory Infections. This has been an unexpected but delightful side effect of patients that have been given HempRx for arthritis or asthma. Kitties that  have had life long symptoms of chronic viral infections have experienced significant relief.


Dosing: I start with 0.5 mg/kg of CBD twice daily and increase gradually. If you are using HempRx, start with 2-4 drops twice daily and increase.


7. Seizures. While these are uncommon in kitties, I have seen amazing responses in kitties that suffer from seizures. If your kitty is already taking medications for seizures, do not stop those abruptly and always work with your veterinarian.


Dosing: I start with 0.5 mg/kg twice daily and increase as needed. Some kitties may need up to 3 mg/kg twice daily. If you are using HempRx, start with 2-4 drops twice daily and increase. If your kitty tolerates this product, I recommend getting the HempRx Forte as it will require smaller volumes of oil for the same dose.


What products should I use and where can I get them?

As products flood the market, it is important that consumers make an educated purchases for themselves and their pet. My inbox is full of people asking about products they have purchased or considering purchasing. When I vet these products, I am looking for the following criteria.

  1. Farming practices. Has the plant been grown with the use of pesticides?
  2. Extraction method. Watch out for methods that use chemicals as these residues will be present in the final product.
  3. Concentration. Some products contain too little CBD to be effective.
  4. Guaranteed analysis. Does the company test their product for the constituents beyond THC and CBD? Does it look at the terpenes and flavonoids? Check out the HempRx guaranteed analysis here.
  5. Other ingredients. Make sure you know what other ingredients are present. I prefer HempRx because it only contains hemp. For my very sensitive patients introducing one ingredient at a time is beneficial.
  6. Terpene/Flavanoid. As discussed earlier, CBD and THC are not the only medicinal components of cannabis. I only use products that have the terpene and flavanoid profile analyzed as well.

My absolute favorite product line is HempRx by Rx Vitamins for Pets. This line is specifically made for cats and dogs. It comes in an oil and chewable form. For cats I recommend getting the regular strength HempRx and starting with 1-2 drops twice daily. This bottle will last approximately 2-3 months.


Are there any side effects?

This is a great question and something you should always consider for any medication or supplement you are giving your kitty. The most common side effect I have seen in my patients is increased appetite and decreased anxiety. Some animals can become sedate on CBD products. 


CBD can promote relaxation and some animals are more sensitive than others. If you notice your cat has become too sedate, stop giving the product and work with your veterinarian. Allergic reactions are always possible. Some cats that are allergic to grass can also be allergic to cannabis. This is rare but is a possibility.


Remember to work with your veterinarian when deciding on a treatment plan for your cat. If you would like to work with a holistic or integrative veterinarian check out these sites to find one:

As always, I want to hear from you! Please leave a comment below.


With love, 

FREE Guide: CBD For Pets >>>​

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387 thoughts on “CBD 101: CBD for Your Cat”

  1. Hi Dr. Angie, Hi Dr. I am wondering if you could tell me of any ways to naturally treat or help my old Feline with her chronic bronchitis. She is now on CBD ‘s instead of Solensia for her really bad arthritis (thanks to you) which is helping her a lot but she is starting to really struggling with coughing and a slight wheeze. she had been diagnosed year ago with kitty asthma. Poor girl that solensia has nearly killed her. I will never trust regular vets and meds again for my kids!
    Thanks ahead of time for your input!

    • Hi Sasha, I’m sorry you had such a negative experience with Solensia and that it impacted your trust of veterinary medicine. Very happy to hear that the CBD is helping! I’d highly recommend Dr. Angie’s pre-recorded course about kitty asthma. It can be found on her feline focused site, Natural Cat Vet, or by using this link. In addition, she offers video consultations and can be a great resource for creating a care plan for your kitty’s asthma. If that would feel supportive, use this link to find time on her calendar. Hugs, JoJo, Veterinary Nurse

    • Hi Sasha!

      Great question. While there is no study that I am aware of that investigates the use of hemp extract and budesonide, I have not seen a problem in practice. There are no theoretical interactions that I know of either.

      Dr. Angie

      • Thanks so much as my old guy Pirate has a growth in his mouth. They think it might be cancer but do to a heart murmur we can’t find out. It seemed to decrease in size after atibiotics but he seems a little worse for wear these days. Just wanna keep him comfy and enjoying his life. Thanks so much for your response. It means a lot to me to have this answer from you!

        Hugs back at ya!

  2. Hi Crystal,

    I have a beautiful cat female with 14 years old and 13Lbs. She’s doing great but she diagnosed with a nostril polyp. Her breath is different she is taking Cerenia to prevent sneezing and coughing. I am giving to her CBD oil from a Canadian brand GaiaHemp 3 drops/ day.
    I would like to know your opinion and if the dosage is correct.

    thank you,

    • We recommend a starting dose of 0.2mg/kg twice daily. For a 13lb cat that would be a starting dose of 1mg twice a day. I hope this helps. JoJo

  3. I have a 6 month old kitten that has been checked and is medically fine (No parasites, etc.) but has extreme separation anxiety and won’t leave my older cat alone if I am not home. He also has a ravenous appetite and inhales his food. Now he has developed food allergies. I am not sure if it was from switching from a lesser quality kitten food to a higher quality (phased in the new better food) and will resolve (we have a vet appt on this). I was wondering if CBD can help with food allergies and also calm the kitten down some regarding the anxiety? My older cat is hyperthyroid and takes a ½ low dose prednisolone for IBS. Could they both benefit?

    • Hello!

      Thanks for checking in! Here are a few thoughts I have:

      1. What do you think about getting your kitten a kitten? Sometimes this can solve for loneliness or separation anxiety.
      2. What are his symptoms of food allergies? What were you feeding and what are you feeding now?
      3. The CBD is unlikey to improve food allergies but may support either kitty’s mental health.
      4. I have seen mixed results using CBD for IBD. I think it’s worth a try!

      Looking forward to hearing back!

      Dr. Angie

  4. Hi,

    Thank you for this article! Our 11 year old baby, Count Vladimir Von Wiggles, has been diagnosed with eosinophilic granuloma. He has lesions on his face. We are currently doing a food trial, as well as parasite control to see if we can find the allergen, but not having any luck. He is wearing an elizabethan collar and the poor guy is just miserable. We do not want to turn to meds like cyclosporine,. Do you think CBD oil can help with eosinophilic granuloma? He also has mild cerebellar hypoplasia. Is CBD safe for CH kitties? I just want to see my baby happy again without having to take scary medications.

    • Hi Crystal,

      Omgosh, well first, I LOVE your boy’s name!!

      This is a great question and I hear how scary this process has been to navigate.

      I am curious if I can have Dr. Angie answer you directly in one of her Instagram Live Q&As? If you miss the live, the replay will remain on her page indefinitely. I’d love to hear her response as well!

      Lots of love,
      Claire Primo
      Veterinary Nurse

      • Hi Claire,

        I also have a cat diagnosed with eosinophilic granuloma and started looking into using CBD oil.
        Couldn’t find Dr. Angie’s response to that on the Instagram page. Can you kindly direct me to the exact link or share the answer with me?

        Thank you very much!

        • Hi Dan!

          I am so glad you commented here. I can’t remember which day I answered your question. Want to try again next Wednesday at noon on IG? Leave your question here too though and we can answer it both places!

          Dr. Angie

  5. Hi Angie. I’ve been reading a lot about CBD being hydrophobic and having poor oral bioavailability. The research I’m seeing suggests that CBC oil isn’t absorbed very well in the stomach because much of it’s potency is lost in the digestive tract before it reaches the circulatory system. I’m reading that it’s best absorbed by rubbing on the gums or inside the top portion of the ears (not in the canal). Rubbing it on a cat’s gums is not easy but rubbing it in the ears is doable. What is your opinion on this? I want to do what’s best for my cat and I also want to get the CBD into his system to work the best. I’d appreciate your input.

  6. Hi Dr. Angie. My beloved 16 year old senior cat, Frankie, stopped eating at the end of October and lost a lot of weight. I took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I started him on the methimazole ear compound for this and he has started eating again but I feel like something is still wrong. He stand like his back legs are in pain and I’m certain he has arthritis but my vet prescribed him gabapentin for this and I find that it makes him very spacey and uncoordinate and I worry about him falling. I started researching CBD oils and hemp oils for cats and my curiousity is peaked but I’m nervous to order anything because I haven’t found any research to know if he can take the CBD oil with the methimazole. Would you have any insight into this?

      • My indoor cat is a 16 yr old female. We are people who stay away from the western allopathic toxic cash register when possible. My cat likes to jump down from high places. At first I thought she developed a hygroma on the inside of her elbow and had a slight limp. We bought an arm sling from Chewy and it was really loose. I sewed to make it tighter. The swelling has become severe between the elbow and the shoulder ( We had to go out of town for a few days and had someone stay and “farm sit” while we were gone and the swelling got very bad while we were gone and in fact, she had stopped eating, her fur was unkempt and she was coughing mucous when we got back – I think it was depression but all that has reversed now that we are back and she’s getting lots of attention). It has taken me being the phone constantly for two weeks to eventually find a vet hospital who would agree to x-ray her leg (all the ones I called either was insistent on her being vaxd or charge me $1000 for an x-ray). We are driving out to Limon to get the x-ray on Monday. I have been giving her a mixture of Willow Bark drops with some cat cbd that I got from my own pain management clinic in Colorado Springs (she HATES the taste). At this point, she has jumped down several times and the arm has swollen exponentially. I am building her a large cage (3 ft x 4 ft and 4 ft high to contain her and stop the jumping) to put right beside my bed because she has been a resident of my bed full time for years (bed is literally 4 ft off the hardwood floor -custom built with storage underneath). She gets extremely upset if not up on the bed. At 60 yrs old, I am extremely disturbed at what my society has become. Control Freaks are far more concerned with making as much money as possible and will gladly watch suffering if someone is living in a tight income and cannot pay outrageous fees. I took my cat to an animal and people Chiropractor who told me that if I wanted an x-ray for myself, he would charge $25, but in Colorado, the state law is that only licensed vets can x-ray animals and everywhere I called refused to x-ray my cat except for the one VCA animal hospital in Monument who wanted to charge me almost $1000. What a mentally sick society with a bunch of greedy sickos having their sociopath buddies in the legislature making sick laws. When my the last of my animals goes to the “happy hunting ground”, I’ll be joining them that day. I, myself, am horribly disabled from a structural injury. I don’t want to live on this sick planet anymore. Me and my animals are not here to suffer while other people profit from our suffering when I know damned good and well that with all the modern technology it need not be this way. I know all about high tech. I used to be a structural and systems inspector on the last space shuttle built. Today, I build a big beautiful cage and mfr a better orthotic for my poor, suffering cat.

        • Hi Laura,

          I am so sorry that you and your kitty are struggling. I know how hard it can be to feel good about where the world is today and I want you to know that I hear all of the ways you love your senior kitty in this comment. I am thinking of you both.

          How are you doing and feeling this week?

          Lots of love,

      • Hi I too have been researching CBD oil as my 16year old senior cat has been diagnosed with arthritis in her hips. I too have been prescribed gabapentin but I don’t like how it changes her behavior to be very spacey. We have to use gabapentin when taking her to the vet as she suffers anxiety as well. She is also on dexamethasone, a low dose steroid for her stomach and intestinal ssues diagnosed when she was 1year old. Been in this ever since.
        I’ve just had blood work done and apart from her hips she is in good health and I just hate seeing her looking in pain I believe for her hips.
        Do you foresee any issues with CBD oil on her dex steroid?
        Are there good results in helping manage arthritis in cats.

  7. Hi Dr Angie,

    Thanks for the article. I’m looking for more info on CBD use for IBS.
    I have a bengal, 8 years old, that have been diagnosed with IBS.

    His symptoms are: vomiting (under control with omeprazole), blood stools (red), appetite loss (increased when constipation), constipation (biggest problem to manage, I’m using Metamucil)

    His treatment: diet with hydrolyzed proteins, omeprazole (daily) and when needed maropitan, mirtazapine, gabapentin, metronidazole. Most of the time it’s only omeprazole. But he does not feel very good.
    He also have heart murmur (grade 2/3) and very early stage of kidney insufficiency. That’s why I’m not comfortable going with prednisolone or cyclosporine. His internist is not into the cannabis thing…

    Given that context, do you think that CBD could help? starting dosage at 0.2mg/kg?

    Thanks a lot for your opinion on this.

    • Hi Gwen,

      I think trying CBD is definitely worth a shot!

      For cats, we suggest the HempRx Feline Drops. Our dosing chart is here; the low end is 0.25mg/kg twice daily and the high end is 0.50mg/kg twice daily. You can work up beyond the high end, but for kitties with IBD, we usually suggest starting low and working up as needed.

      We also offer 20 minute CBD nurse phone consultations, should you need a little more support!

      Keep us posted!


    • Hello,
      I really appreciate this informative website about using CBD for pets. My cat suffered a traumatic event earlier this year that caused her to groom obsessively. Other than that issue, she is a happy, healthy indoor cat. I began using some CBD in her food four days ago (Honest Paws hemp oil). So far, I haven’t seen any change in her behavior or anxiety level. My question is how soon should I hope to see any results from the daily dropper of hemp oil. Thank you.

      • Hi Katherine,

        This is a great question! We usually suggest about 5-7 days to assess for a response to the CBD dosing. If you do not see changes, it could be worth increasing the dose or looking at another product. We suggest the HempRx Feline Drops and our dosing chart is here. However, there is still room to work up beyond the “high end” of the dosing chart!

        I hope that this helps!


  8. Hi – my cat Mochi (2 y, Maine Coone/Norwegian mix) recently had a heart failure and is currently recovering. The vet could not figure out the cause of her condition.
    We received Furosemid 3mg/d but she would not eat properly. We happen to have CBD oil for cats at home and I was wondering if it would be safe to try it to get her appetite back. There are studies showing weight loss in rats taking CBD – does anyone happen to know more about this? My cat is already very skinny and I dont want this to get worse.

    Any experience/recommendations would be highly appreciated.


    • Hi Laura,

      I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s diagnosis!

      We do not have any studies to show weight loss in cats who are on CBD, and we have not seen this in our practice (and have used CBD for MANY animals!). It is a great natural appetite stimulant for many kitties though! We usually suggest the HempRx Feline Drops.

      We have also not seen any negative interactions when using CBD and Furosemide together.

      I hope that this helps!


  9. Thanks for the in-depth article. I know this article is about cats, but I’ve been using CBD to help with my dog’s arthritis. It is definitely a game changer. I hated seeing him in pain everyday and I know the side effects the pain medications can have.

  10. I’m wanting to wean my 14 year old cat off fluoxetine, and replace it with CBD. Have many had experience and/or good results with this?

  11. I have been giving my Hemp Rx for about a year now. Originally it was to help her arthritis. Since that time, she shows no signs of having it like she did when we first gave it to her. However, over the past six months, she has gone from 16 lbs. to 9 pounds. Took her to the vet and her blood tests revealed she has diabetes. The vet put her on insulin and that did not seem to level her glucose. Most importantly, she had continued to loose weight. We are now seeing a internist and she went through a lot of testing and it was determined that her small intestine walls are “thick”. At this point we don’t know if it is IBD or “small cell cancer”. Biopsy is not going to happen due to her age (14) and the cost and we just don’t want to put her through that. If it is cancer, we are certainly not going to put her through a lot of procedures. All that to ask this: She has been put on Budesonide, 1 mg every 24 hours. Can we still give her the CBD oil while on this?

  12. I have had 4 kitties with stomatitis. I lost 2 to it. A third never showed symptoms, lost all his teeth at 2 yrs and has never has any issues. The fourth is older has suffered for 6-7 years and no loner has teeth but continued with the inflammation. The treatments are few & undesirable side effects. 1 vet suggested low dose aspirin once a week but it became harder to dose her and she continued to lose weight. I was facing a difficult quality of life decision again with few choices. I read up on CBD & hemp. I made the decision on my own to try CBD starting with 2 drops 2/day & increases to 3 drops 2/day. Within a month the inflammation and drooling was gone, she was a happy kitty, eating again and gaining weight. She has a whole new lease on life. I am so glad I tried it and have shared it with the 2 vets I’ve been to hoping they might use it for others that have no options left for their stomatitis kitties.

  13. I got some HolistaPet for my 14 yr. old cat who was just sleeping all the time and wouldn’t eat. I took her to the vet and he put her on antibiotics for a week and she got just a little better. I had read all the stuff about the cbd and how it had made some of the older cat stop sleeping so much and gave them an appetite. So I thought “What could it hurt?” I got the cbd about a week later and gave her a small few drops as directed and she went limp on me and died! I got her when she was 1 week old. I bottle fed this tiny baby with her eyes closed and loved and took care of her for 14 yrs. I have never been so devestatef in my life. I’m still not over it. I called them to let them know and all I got was that “ They cannot OD on the cbd!” That is not true!!! They did refund my money but I didn’t have my baby. Just be careful out there when giving this to your animal. It was a chance I too because I wanted her to start eating better and be more active. I’ve never loved a cat like her. I miss her everyday!!!

  14. Hi Dr. Angie, Please help:( My 8 year old female tabby cat (Myla) for the past year now has developed progressive SEVERE asthma or what seems to be chronic bronchitis and/or asthmatic bronchitis. All of her life she has showed no sign of asthma and been fine up until last year. From what I read the exact cause of asthma is unknown in cats, I have made sure to eliminate all triggers (dust free litter, no harsh cleaners, no perfumes/dyes, smoke free home you name it etc) but she still suffers. My other male cat has had slight asthma throughout his whole life but it is not severe at all, only a cough here and then – but all of a sudden my female cat getting these awful attacks daily since May of last year -SO SEVERE that she goes into abdominal labored breathing – she coughs so hard that she it makes her dizzy. With spending over $3500.00 to keep her overnight at an emergency vet hospital in an oxygen tank then for the past year having her on two different inhalers daily (one is the rescue bronchodialtor albuterol sulfate and the other one is the flovent (steroid VERY EXPENSIVE) plus trying the oral prednisolone steroid and terbutaline – I am just overwhelmed financially and mentally with trying to give a good quality of life, as there is no known cure for this. I even tried giving her an antibiotic Clavamax – no luck. I work two jobs but am running out of money -I try and rush home even on my lunch breaks to make sure she is not having any severe asthma attacks as the inhalers only bide her time for a few hours. She is an indoor cat so I am completely stumped on how so much mucous develops in her lungs and why her airways are narrowing if she is not exposed to outdoor pollution, grass etc. I find myself vacuuming every other day just so no extra dust gets kicked up in her lungs. I did have her on the oral prednisolone after she got out of the ER last may but then it seemed her body built up a tolerance to it and her attacks still came on severely which is why I had to turn to the inhalers. I then recently took her to the vet to check bloodwork etc and wanted to give the oral prednisolone another try – had her on it for a month and by a miracle she was completely fine – no attacks not even a cough or labored breathing for a WHOLE MONTH!!!!…..but the attacks slowly came back with her still on the pill and I am completely stumped – I did not change anything in my household, still the same grain free wet and dry food. I read your article above on the CBD oil and I am sold so I am hoping this helps my little girl out and that she can live a comfortable life without feeling like she is breathing through a straw. My question to you: is there a chance she can build up a tolerance to the CBD oil just like the prednisolone oral steriod and have it not help anymore? I know CBD oil does wonders for animals and humans and it did not dawn on me to try it sooner. Do you recommend any other oil that might help stop inflammation in the lungs or one that is specified for asthma in felines? I am bit overwhelmed since there are so many different companies that sell the CBD oil so I was just going to stick to ordering from HempRX but wondering if you might know any other brands that are a bit cheaper but 100% authentic. I have no problem in spending more money but I just am in a lot of debt from the vet bills and inhalers etc. My local vet just refers me to a specialist one hour away that will just tell me to get a surgical procedure done called a trachael lavage wash where they stick a tiny tube into the lungs – however from my research the success rate on this is low and can even be fatal since she will have to be cut open and from what i read, even blood can backwash into her lungs if the surgery is not done right. Do you have any light you can shed on this procedure and if its even worth doing? Signed a stressed out mom kitty

    • Hi AnnMarie,

      This sounds SO overwhelming. I want to acknowledge what an amazing job you are doing.

      The truth is, we do not know much about whether pets can build up a tolerance to CBD. We know this to be true in people, so we definitely suspect that it’s possible.

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. It’s so hard to find inexpensive CBD that is a quality product with a decent concentration (meaning you can give a few drops to reach desired dosing, vs a few droppers). Some cats are picky and so the smaller volume needed, the better!

      It sounds like a second opinion from a specialist may be a great idea, just to see what other options they may suggest for your sweet girl.

      I hope this helps, BIG hugs!


    • Hi AnnMarie,

      This sounds SO overwhelming. I want to acknowledge what an amazing job you are doing.

      The truth is, we do not know much about whether pets can build up a tolerance to CBD. We know this to be true in people, so we definitely suspect that it’s possible.

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. It’s so hard to find inexpensive CBD that is a quality product with a decent concentration (meaning you can give a few drops to reach desired dosing, vs a few droppers). Some cats are picky and so the smaller volume needed, the better!

      It sounds like a second opinion from a specialist may be a great idea, just to see what other options they may suggest for your sweet girl.

      I hope this helps, BIG hugs!


  15. My cat of 4 years, was found very tiny in the cold. She is doing great. Small scaring on one eye, the other with a ulcer/scar on it. She can still see the tiniest of bugs on the ceiling.

    My question is about her upper respiratory . She sneezes a lot. She’s been treated with pharmaceuticals a bunch of times. She has never stopped eating. At times she has snot 3 inches long sneeze out. In good times, she still sounds like air breathing through mucus, with regular sneezing. She runs & plays.

    I don’t give antibiotics unless really bad. One vet said it has to do with her throat. The other her sinuses.

    Is there a way to somehow treat her throat and or sinuses with CBD oil.

    Thank you so much for all that you do.

  16. My vet suspects my 7 year cat Paisley may have IBD..no biopsy though…just symptoms of soft stools, slight weight loss. I am giving probiotics (nexabiotic for cats, 21 strain) and slippery elm gruel 1 -2 times a day. She has a good appetite but current will go from “normal” form stools to soft and mushy. I am keeping a diary and notice the stool changes after eating wet pro plan, tuna shrimp or salmon. I have always fed rotation proteins but she seems to go for the fish type foods. I’ve tried Turkey and chicken with a little success. She wouldn’t eat it for a whole day , though and that concerned me so I gave her the wet fish food. She was so hungry..I am currently switching to grain free lamb…mixing old purina lamb with N&D lamb…all 3 are not too fond of this new dry, but are eating more wet. Which I feel is better anyway. I am considering CBD capsules (so I can mix and syringe..she wont eat food with anything sprinkled on it…tried the probiotics that way..) ..before steroids….if it is a fish allergy, and i have found fish to be in almost all cat foods, would it be safe to keep her on CBD capsules long term ?

  17. Hi, my cat Kato injured his leg three weeks ago (ruptured cruciate ligament) and he has been receiving Metacam for 21 days. I purchased CBDfx for small pets and gave him 1 dose (1/2 your recommended) to try it and it seemed to have some effect on the pain. I really want to get him off the Metacam but when I tried lowered the dose last week he was in pain. I read that CBD can reduce elimination of Metacam, so I am nervous to start them together. Can you suggest how to transition him to CBD safely while still providing effective pain control?

    With gratitude,


    • Hi Teresa,

      In practice, we have not seen any negative interactions when using Metacam and CBD together (although more studies need to and are being done!).

      I would suggest definitely starting on the lower end of CBD and then slowly working up from there to find the lowest effective dose.

      Is there also a veterinary pain specialist who can help you with navigating through pain medications/doses and what is best for Kato?


      I hope that this helps!


  18. Does CBD help with eliminating ringworm in cats? If so, what do you recommend — oil for oral use, topicals, or both? Thank you!

  19. Hi Doc Angie-I would like to try CBD for my kitty boy who has the “twitching disease” It is difficult to watch when he goes through this so I’m sure its exhausting for him. What can you recommend as a product for him?

  20. Hello,
    My 14 year old cat Kira has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She is doing very well apart from nausea and now finds wet food difficult to eat. She has taken Famotidine, my Vet has also suggested trying Omeprazole for the nausea, now that her eating habits have changed I’m finding it difficult to medicate her. Do you know of any issues when taking CBD with either of these medications please? I haven’t been able to find any research or testimonials involving using CBD for pancreatic cancer, I wondered if you’ve tried this as a treatment yourself please?

    Many thanks, Vicki

    • Hi Vicki,

      Thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear about Kira’s diagnosis.

      We have definitely seen CBD help with symptoms related to cancer. It’s a great natural anti-inflammatory, helps reduce nausea and increase appetite, and can decrease discomfort and improve overall wellbeing.

      We have not seen any negative interactions with CBD and the medications that you mentioned!

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope that this helps! If you try CBD for Kira, will you keep us posted on how it helps?

      Big hugs,

    • My kitten recently got spayed and is currently taking Onsior once a day (only one more dose left) and Buprinex twice a day. I have hemp oil chewies and am curious if it’s okay to give her a chewy mid day when she gets the other medications in the morning and then buprinex also in the evening.

  21. Hello. I have two 8 week old kittens with cerebellar hypoplasia. Just curious about your thoughts for using CBD to help with their “shakies”.
    Thank you for any input!!

  22. Hi My Kitty has 5 stones filling her bladder. My Vet said to use CBD oil, we are just unclear how much to use. She is in pain, with blood in her urine and constantly trying to urinate. Any suggestions on how much to use and what to look for in a brand? Thank you so much! Susy

    • Hi Susy,

      I know we have emailed as well, but I’m still so sorry to hear about Tabitha’s stones. How is she doing?

      We’ve not used it for this specific condition in Dr. Angie’s practice. That said, it’s an excellent natural anti-inflammatory! I would recommend continuing to work with Tabitha’s traditional and holistic veterinarian as well (I know you are!).

      For kitties, we usually recommend starting with HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope that this helps! Please keep us posted.

      Big hugs,

  23. Hi. I have a 17 year old kitty (Kiwi) who has started showing signs of constipation. Also she has some kidney problems (not kidney disease) and probably arthritis. I just started giving her CBD oil and L-Lysine, can they be taken together? Hemp Bombs is the CBD brand I’m using & nowpets is the brand I’m using for the L-Lysine…. Do you know if that is a good brand? Lastly do you think these products will help her in her old age?

  24. Will,CBD oil help my cat with Feline Lukemia and FIV positive? If it will, where can I get it, what kind and how much do I give him? He weighs 5 -6 lbs

  25. Hi, Dr Angie, My cat Sooty has been diagnosed with SCC. He has also heart and kidney issues. He’s currently under the following medications: Frusemide 20mg tablet 3 times daily, Cardisure tablet 1.25 twice daily and Buprenorphine twice daily. He lost quite a bit of weight. We try to get him to eat, but he does not have much appetite. We are trying to feed him with syringe, but that adds too much stress to him. I have come to know HEMP seed oil only just recently and want to get him to start on it. But my vet said that she knows little to nothing about it and cannot give any advice on it. I decided to try anyway. My only concern is that would it interferes with the meds that I’ve listed above? Could you please let us know? Thank you very much in advance! Great appreciated! Best Regards, Sophie

  26. I recently adopted two 10 year old cats, brothers, who had been neglected. After the first weeks of getting along fine, one of them intimidated the other, bit his neck, to the point he started living only in the bathroom. It was recommended that I give them both CBD oil. It seems to be helping a little. How long does the oil last in their systems? I’ve been giving it every day.

  27. Hi, I’m brand new to this site. I have a 16 year old cat who is palliative care. She is very painful with arthritis and I was wondering if CBD oil for human consumption can be diluted to work for a cat her age. She still eats very well but has limited eyesight and mobility issues. I just want to make her comfortable during her last months. Is there any guidelines for using CBD oil formulated for human consumption and diluting it so that it can be safe and effective for pets?

    • Hi Toni,

      I am so sorry to hear that your kitty is so painful, and I am sending you both all of my love.

      For CBD oils made for human consumption, we recommend not using the product if it has essential oils or other natural flavorings in them.

      For kitties, we suggest starting with 0.25mg-0.50mg/kg twice daily.

      I hope this helps.

      Big hugs,

  28. This is SO helpful. Thank you so much for putting this together. I have a 17/18 yr old cat who’s experiencing stress induced FLUTD from a neighbors new kitten and I am desperately looking/hoping to microdose some CBD to calm and reduce inflammation and information is so hard to come by esp for cats. And you’re in Boulder?! That’s where we are.

  29. I know this is a sight about cats, but I currently have been giving my Sr dog CBD for 2 years. She was diagnosed with a mouth cancer . She’s cancer free now, also her skin, ears and teeth are in fantastic condition.
    My question is this I have a 4 yr old Siamese mix who suffers from asthma, my question is, will CBD help? M vet does a Depo shot as needed, which tends to be like clockwork, every 3 months.

  30. Hello, our 16.5 year old kitty is on a daily regimen of 5mg of prednisolone, 2.5mg of Famotodine(2xdaily), cosequin, proviable and omega-3 oil for IBD and arthritis. Last week we started buprenorphine for pain. She also gets an every other day dose of Fluoxetine 2.5 mg for a previous litter box issue. We’d like to try an alternative to the buprenorphine. Will the HempRx interact with her other meds, specifically the Fluoxetine?

  31. Hi There,
    Our cat Sidney has injection site sarcoma that has spread to his lungs and is inoperable. He weighs about 12 lbs and is happy besides the tumor on his neck that is making him scratch all day. What dosage would you recommend to keep him comfortable? He can’t have wet food due to a sensitive tummy so treats are best. Thank you so much for your information. It has been very useful so far.

    • Hi Janice,

      I am so sorry to hear about sweet Sidney’s diagnosis. I am so glad that he is otherwise happy.

      For cats, we usually recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. For your boy’s weight, we’d recommend starting with 1.5-2.5mg of CBD twice daily (3-5 drops of the HempRx twice daily).

      I hope that this helps. Big hugs to you and Sidney.


  32. I have a 10 year old cat, that recently is Diabetic in the last year.
    He has always been unfriendly & not great with strangers.
    We now have to have someone come & give him insulin when we are away. He does not enjoy this & neither does the human.
    I’m wondering if giving him CBD will help with his anxieties towards others… and also if it will an issue with his Diabetes.

    • Hi Bryon,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      It sounds like you are referring to using CBD for cerebellar hypoplasia? Unfortunately, we have not seen CBD help with this very often. However, it certainly may be worth a try!

      If you give it a shot, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  33. Hi. Thank you so much for all your helpful information. My kitty Michi Pi, a stray cat I rescued recently, has terrible oral issues. He is scheduled to see a dental vet but not for 2 weeks. He is in a lot of pain. My regular vet prescribed Tramadol. It is awful. He took the first dose and became paranoid, had insomnia, and wouldn’t eat. He took second dose, began foaming at the mouth and threw up immediately. He hasn’t slept or eaten in 24 hours. I have not given him any more. He is shivering and seems to be experiencing withdrawal symptoms. My question is can I give him cbd oil for the pain? I am just trying to relieve his pain until he has his dental visit and probable extraction. If you think cbd will help the oral pain what dose would you recommend. He is 12.5 Ibs. Thank you for your wonderful site.

    • Hi Joni,

      Oh, I am so sorry that Michi Pi hasn’t slept or eaten for so long! You are doing the right thing by taking him to a dental specialist, and I am sorry that the wait is long (and agonizing!). Does the dentist have a cancellation list, maybe something will open up sooner!

      When kitties stop eating, it can become serious in a relatively short time. Were you able to tell his veterinarian about his current condition, to see what their thoughts and recommendations would be?

      You could certainly try CBD! We recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope this helps! Please keep us posted!


  34. Hi my name is Denise & I have a little boy cat who is 6 years old. He goes absolutely crazy when he has to go in a pet carrier. He does this thing like an alligator death roll & I’m afraid he will hurt himself. I’m moving to AZ & it’s a 4 hour car trip. My friend said to give him a few drops of CBD Oil .. how many & when?

  35. My cat has had trouble uraniating over the last year. First time we had the issue he was blocked. The last two times were unknown and with several medications and fluids was able to pee. After many tests it is thought it may be stressed induced, or neurological. I was hoping to try CBD oil to reduce his so called stress and hopefully not run into any more scares.
    What would be the dosage to give him? How often? I don’t want to have him be lethargic all the time.


  36. Hi,I have a 6 year old kitty that has always had bad anxiety, We believed this was the reason for her going pee outside the litterbox,however it was discovered that she had crystals, Thankfully we got those cleared up, Unfortunately there has been damage done to her bladder,She is in enough pain that the vet tried an opiod ,which she reacted badly to, So now she is on Metacam, I am worried about this as an ongoing medication because of the side affects.So I went online and purchased hemp oil, It worked wonders for her anxiety, But I tried slowly reducing the metacam and she was obviously in pain again.Now I’m wondering if the hemp 4 paws is strong enough for her,all the ingredients list is “Organic cold pressed hemp seed oil ,CO2”, should I switch,and if so how do I do that.
    Thank you so much for any help you can offer,I had seeing my baby in pain.

    • Hi Jovanna,

      I am so sorry to hear your kitty is in so much pain, but I am so glad to hear that CBD has been helping her.

      You can switch CBD products any time! Do you know how many milligrams of CBD are in each drop of the Hemp 4 Paws? If it’s not labeled on the bottle, would they give you this information over the phone? That will help with dosing!

      Our dosing chart is here, on the far left side you will see a column that has general CBD dosing (not related to HempRx).

      If you decided to switch products to feel more comfortable, that wouldn’t be wrong either!

      Will you let us know what you decide?


  37. Dr Angie, we have a 11 yr old Siberian Forest cat that we would love to take on our boat with us, but he is so anxious (my opinion) when any wave hits and jostles the boat he ends up vomiting & having diarrhea. He also is on gabapentin from out local vet for the anxiety and home behavior. Is he a candidate for the CBD OIL.

    • Hi SuAnn,

      It’s hard to know if your kitty will ever be able to adapt to life on a boat (although we do have a follower who sails around with her kitties, and it look like such a blast)!

      CBD can be hugely helpful for anxiety, so it’s possible it will do the trick! For kitties, we usually recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      Will you keep us posted?! We would love to hear an update!


  38. My cat, Jasmine the Third, is almost 17 years old. The vet said (a month ago) that she could not find anything wrong except for a particular infection (specified by a blood test and then a culture) which has been treated. For the past approximate year, Jasmine has cried on/off throughout the day and is inconsolable. She no longer let me hold her in my arms for more than a few minutes (less than 5), won’t stay on my bed. She sometimes will stay in my lap when I sit in a particular chair. During those times, she is half in my lap and half on the arm of the chair. There she will stay for from 5 minutes to an hour. The other night I woke up because she woke up with what seemed to me to be a very painful yowl. The cries (yowls) every single day on/off and sometimes for as long as 10 minutes non-stop.

    Do you think CBD oil might help her. Do you have any recommendations?

    • Hi Kathryn,

      Oh, sweet Jasmine! Do you get the feeling whether this is anxiety or pain related, or something different?

      Most senior kitties have some level of arthritis, so if nothing more, CBD would absolutely help that! We see CBD be a massive game changer for arthritic cats. If there’s some level of anxiety or dimensia, it has the potential to help with that too.

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope this helps! If you try CBD, please let us know how it helps!


  39. Hi Dr Angie,
    I have a 9yo kitty here in Lakewood, CO who was diagnosed at 5yrs with IBD, and pancreatitis and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine in the last few months. We tried to treat her with Flagyl in addition to her prednisolone, and she developed neurotoxicity from this (extremely rare but can be fatal). This has left us with few options medication wise. Being that she is extremely sensitive, I was wondering if you thought CBD may be good to try for her and how much? Thanks in advance!

  40. I need advice, my 8 year old tuxedo is suffering from bad arthritis. I have taken him to the vet spent 100’s of dollars with nothing working, and it’s getting worse. Hes been given fish oil, cosequin, and special diet to lose weight. I’m not familiar with the difference in these cbd products. A friend of mine gave me full spectrum hemp oil for cats but I keep seeing online that isnt the right product. I really need help for my fur baby!

    • Hi Ali,

      Great questions!

      We see CBD be hugely helpful for so many arthritic kitties!

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      You are not alone in feeling confused! There are so many products out there, and so much information! Have you seen Dr. Angie’s online course, which teaches pet parents how to use CBD for their pets?

      Keep us posted!


      Will you keep us posted?


  41. My cat Chelsea is suffering from ckd, she also has cardio problems. She stopped eating and I bought her to her cardio dr ( which is also a 24hr vet) They put her on iv fluids for 4 days. She was eating well as long as she was getting the fluids. When she came home she stopped eating again even though i was giving her 100 mls a day. When I took her for her follow up we were told her heart can’t handle the fluids so we were told to go to every other day. I took her back to the vet yesterday for follow up and her numbers drastically went back up. My vet suggested to stop fluids because it might hurt her more. Is there anything i can do for her. I am giving her cerenia as well.

    • Hi Nancy,

      I am so sorry that your sweet Chelsea is struggling with CKD. Sometimes when kitties have kidney disease, it can really upset their stomach. Have you spoken to your veterinarian about appetite stimulants?

      It can be so tricky when cats have both heart disease and kidney disease. You are doing an amazing job! Please keep us posted!


  42. I’ve been told CBD can raise Liver Enzymes in cats. As with a lot of meds & supplements Cats are rarely tested.

    I’ve given it to my cat with diabetes & his Liver enzymes did increase. I can only come to the conclusion it’s from the CBD Oil.

    • Hi Joy,

      You are so right – we are waiting for more information on CBD and our pets – and specifically for cats!

      Dr. Angie does chat a bit about liver enzymes in this vlog post. Are you planning to discontinue the CBD for a bit, and then recheck the liver values?

      We would love to hear an update!


  43. What are your CBD recommendations for a 15-year old overweight cat with occasional asthma symptoms? Previously I was treating him with CBD oil but he gained more weight so I stopped that and have been trying to use an inhaler instead. Unfortunately it’s not going well and he continues to be symptomatic. He has an enlarged heart so I’ve started him on prescription weight management food but am concerned about his asthma getting worse. It seemed the CBD oil was helping and was much easier to administer! Thank you!

    • Hi Phyllis,

      Great questions!

      For kitties we usually recommend HempRx and our design chart is here. Were you using HempRx before? It may be worth starting at the dose you were previously using, especially if you were seeing positive results!

      Will you keep us posted?

      You’re doing a great job!


      • Thanks so much! We were using VET CBD previously but I’m thinking of trying him on the HempRx to see how he does. Hopefully it won’t stimulate his appetite! The design chart is very helpful, we appreciate your response. Many thanks!

  44. Hello,

    We recently got a new kitten and my 4 year old cat started inappropriately eliminating. I took her to the vet to get checked out because she has had bladder infections and crystals in the past and the doctor recommended kitty Prozac. I just filled the prescription but was thinking of giving CBD oil in conjunction with the Prozac. I’m hoping to get her relaxed and accepting of the new kitten and then weening her off the Prozac. Do you think there is an issue with using these together?

    • Hi Wyndi,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      I am so sorry that your kitty is inappropriately eliminating in the house. That is SO stressful!

      I’m so glad you ruled out a medical condition first – great job. CBD may absolutely help with her anxiety.

      If you try CBD with the Prozac, we would just start on the low end of dosing (0.50mg/kg twice daily) to evaluate how she responds.

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our design chart is here.

      If you try CBD, will you keep us posted on how it helps?!



  45. Hello Dr. Angie,
    We have a sweet 8 1/2 yr old Ocicat that has inflammatory small intestine disease that has caused her to vomit since we got her at age 2 1/2. (She had a previous hx of severe uterine infection that nearly killed her for which she was spayed making her no longer useful to the breeder. ) She was treated with Prednisolone 5 mg split in two doses for the GI issue. She later developed asthma that presented as a dry choking cough, typically as she would wake up. The vet put her on an inhaler which had marginal results. She was overweight (14 lbs) when we got her from the breeder (I consider this cat a rescue as we believe she know Athena was ill and wanted to dump her). The vet put her on Hillscience Rx diet for metabolic and urinary treatment ( she also had some crystals in her urine but not severe). Because she was overweight, the doctors wanted us to give her just 1/2 cup of food a day. She was starving all the time, desperate for food and not losing weight because of the steroids). This last year I started taking her to a holistic vet who recommended a raw diet, probiotics, chinese tea pills, and Standard Process feline enteric support along with twice daily essential oil diffusion of animalIEO Open Air. Eating as much Stella & Chewy freeze dried chicken as she wants, Athena weight got down to 11.8 lbs. Much of the vomiting subsided but her asthma has persisted to the point of seeing abdominal recruitment to breathe at times.
    I was still concerned so I took her to an emergency vet before we left town for a week to take our daughter to college. They checked her breathing & I requested an x-ray which showed a marked thickening between her lungs and heart. An ultrasound showed she has a tumor between her lungs and heart that is beginning to wrap around her aorta. I did not allow them to biopsy it as I would be there to care for her afterwards and the cat sitters were only there twice per day. They put her on 14 days of Terbutaline 1.25 mg split in two doses 12 hours apart

    This is devastating news for us but I am prepared to fight it with everything natural that I can. Our vet has recommended diffusion of frankincense oil along with the open air, I asked about using Bodywise Super Ai/E 10, an antigen induced lacteal complex, that builds & modulates the immune system (our whole family takes it) & CBD oil. She Ok’d the Ai/E & recommended a CBD for felines (I forget the name) with THC & told me to follow the directions on the bottle (I think in CA she’s not yet allowed to state dosages).

    What type/brand of CBD oil would you recommend and where would I purchase this? I want something made for pets that tested for other elements that might not be good for them to ensure it purity. Any other recommendations you have are welcome. I am happy to pay you for your evaluation and recommendation.


    • Hi Allison,

      I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s lung tumor. I know how hard this time is for you and your girl.

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. We would start with 0.50mg/kg twice daily on day 1, working up to 1mg/kg twice daily by day 3. I think CBD has the potential to help your kitty in a multitude of ways, or at least help reduce many of the symptoms associated with her conditions.

      If you try CBD, will you keep us posted on how to help?

      Big hugs – you are doing such an amazing job.


  46. I mentioned giving CBD oil to a kitten for being very hyper and 2 people freaked out on me saying it was just a kitten. At what age can you give a cat CBD oil? Was I wrong to recommend that?

    • Hi Marie,

      I’m so sorry that someone gave you a hard time! It’s a completely understandable question!

      The truth is, we don’t know about CBD on developing brains. So, there’s still a lot of research needed. That said, have you considered a calming supplement like Composure?

      Additionally, if the kitten isn’t actually anxious and just high energy, it may not help!

      I hope that this information is helpful!


  47. My cat Niko has hyperesthesia. Is there specific dosing guidelines for this condition? Or better yet, one product that may be more effective than the other?

    Thank you!


    • Hi Rebecca,

      Good question!

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx. We start with 0.50mg/kg twice daily and work up from there if needed.

      I hope this helps!


  48. Hi, I work with a feral cat organization and we have had three kittens now with what looks similar to ‘wobbly kitten syndrome’ . We’ve lost two of them and had a necropsy done on one with results showing a normal cerebellum and no signs of any infectious diseases ( FeL, FHIV, etc.). the third eats, plays and tries his best to get around but rolls and tumbles quite a bit. Lots of head shaking resembling severe Parkinson’s. We’d like to try ginko and CBD. would both be okay to use at the same time? Thank you!

    • Hi Rita,

      Great question!

      Dr. Angie isn’t exactly sure on how CBD and ginkgo would work together! She’ not used them together, and has not used ginkgo in animals.

      If you try it, will you keep us posted!?


      • Hi Claire, yes, I will keep you updated. I researched ginkgo in cats and dogs and apparently it’s considered an all around good plant medicinal to use. We’ve started him on ginkgo, giving small amounts of grains from an opened capsule. We’ll stay with just the ginkgo for a few days or so then bring in a high quality CBD if no results are noticed. Have you had any success at decreasing these ‘wobbly kitten’ symptoms using CBD ?or THC? Thank you so much from Ocracoke, N.C.! Rita T.

        • Hi Rita,

          I suspect these sweet kittens have cerebellar hyperplasia? Unfortunately, we aren’t sure if CBD will help (we’ve definitely had this question before!).

          Will you continue to keep us posted? You are doing amazing work!


    • Hi Ed,

      Oh no! I’m sorry your kitty won’t eat the HempRx! Have you tried placing the drops on a freeze dried treat, or in a novel food source (like a wet food they don’t normally get.. but love)?

      Have you considered the HempRx Soft Chewz?

      For dosing, check out our dosing chart here!

      Keep us posted!


  49. I’m so excited to try this on my 13yr old kitty. Just found out she has osteoarthritis & narrowing disc spaces. Just like her mommy so I know she hurts! Vet put her on Gabapentin, and I do not want her on this med! Figuring out the dose may take some brushing up on my math skills, but as an x-nurse hopefully I can figure it out!

    • Hi Gayle,

      Yay! So glad you found us, and CBD! We have seen CBD be a game changer for kitties with body pain!

      Have you checked out our dosing chart here? It’s a great guide to start, while you work on calculating any other doses!

      Keep us posted, hugs to your kitty!


  50. Hello Dr. Angie,

    I’m a Registered Veterinary Technician so I have quite a bit of knowledge about medications, but I know nothing about treating animals with CBD, and I need personal advice.
    My 21 year old cat is looking really good for her age, except she limps and obviously has arthritis all over her body and shes lost a lot of muscle mass which is also normal for that age. For this, shes been on 50mg of Gabapentin BID for about 2 years or more, and recently was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease, so she`s now also on Semintra and Royal Canin Renal diet. My Veterinarian does not believe in CBD, as she never really looked into it. I ordered CBD tincture specifically for cats and was wondering what you would recommend for my cat. Ex. Can I continue giving Gabapentin and give CBD and if so how much, or should I wean off Gabapentin, or is CBD not good for her , etc..
    Any advice would be appreciated.



    • Hi Anne,

      Thanks for reaching out!

      So glad you are trying CBD for your kitty. What product are you using? We see it have a tremendous positive impact on arthritic cats.

      Our dosing chart is here. We usually recommend starting with 0.50mg/kg twice daily (but you can easily double that dose if needed), and we have not seen any negative interacting with CBD and the medications that you mentioned.

      Have you thought about enrolling in Dr. Angie’s online course, The Miracle Herb?

      Keep us posted!


      • Thank you for your quick response. The product I’ve purchased is Animalitos, cbd tincture. The dose recommended by them is 1mg per 10lbs, 1 dropper (1ml) = 5mg, Ingredients are: mct oil, cbd isolate, wild pacific salmon oil, box says its lab tested and thc free.

        I’m definitely going to look into your online course. Is this paid in US?



        • Hi Anne,

          It is paid in US. If you try the course, definitely let us know what you think!

          You can find out more about it here.

          Keep us posted on how the product that you are using works!


  51. Our approx 8 year old male cat has extreme anxiety issues. Going to the vet is impossible. I do currently have him on a small dosage of Fluoxetine. I’ve was giving him a hemp oil that I can no longer find online. I’d like to find a good BUT affordable replacement hemp oil. There are to many to choose from and confuse me to no end. Manny (said 8 yr old) can be fine for a week or 2 then all the sudden he’ll start eliminating outside of litter box 2 or 3 times a week. He has access to 3 litter boxes, all kept clean. Can you help with some suggestions?

    • Hi Denise,

      I’m so sorry Manny has these episodes of anxiety. Anxiety feels so bad to live with, and I know it’s not easy when Manny eliminates outside of the box.

      There are so many products on the market! Often, products that are good quality and inexpensive, are low in concentration (meaning the bottle won’t last you as long as a more concentrated bottle).

      We always recommend the products are organic and pesticide free, extracted using CO2 and have a guaranteed analysis.

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope this helps! Let us know what you try!


  52. I have a Cat who is healthy in all aspects except for her excessive grooming which has lead to her losing lots of hair on legs and back of tail. This has been an on and off issue with her since she was a Kitten. She also nurses on herself. She’s been to the Vet many times for checkups and bloodwork all is normal. I believe it’s anxiety and want to know if CBD could help with her issues ? I don’t want to put her on medication if I can help it.

    • Hi Jodi,

      It’s absolutely possible that CBD oil could help with your kitty’s anxiety!

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      If you try it, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  53. I’ve been using CBD/Hemp oil for my kitty to control her seizures—it’s made a huge difference in her quality-of-life.

    My local store was out of hemp oil for cats, so they recommended I use the oil for dogs, saying it was the same thing. I read the ingredients and it was not the same, at least as far as I could tell. It was made with a lot more oil and was not water-soluble like the kitty version.

    Do you think it’s OK to use dog CBD/hemp oil on cats? Thank you so much.

    • Hi Katrina,

      I am so glad to hear that CBD is helping to control your kitty’s seizures so well. That is incredible news!

      I am not sure of the specific product (and ingredients in it), so it’s hard to know whether the product formulated for dogs would be the same for cats! The HempRx that we sell is good for both, but it is one ingredient (hemp and hemp oil). What are the ingredients in the dog formulated product?

      Keep us posted!


    • Hi Cass,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      I think trying CBD for Cerebellar Hypoplasia is absolutely worth a try!

      For cats, we usually use HempRx and our dosing chart is here. Will you keep us posted on how it helps, if you give it a try?


  54. Thank you for this phenomenal website and all the information here. We adopted a 9-year-old kitty with diabetes whose family surrendered him because of the diagnosis. Now that we’ve had him for a month or so, I am pretty sure he has been suffering from the disease for quite some time. He has lost a lot of muscle mass, and his back legs are extremely weak. He is on 1 unit of Lantus twice a day. I am wondering if adding CBD oil to his daily regimen would help with pain in his legs and his general outlook. He seems so sad, probably missing the family he left. We’re offering him lots of love and Reiki a couple times a day. What are your thoughts on CBD oil for him?

    • Hi Sue!

      It sounds like your sweet kitty is so lucky to have you! Love is the best anecdote to anything!

      Unfortunately, we haven’t seen CBD help reverse diabetes or take the place of insulin. That said, it could absolutely help with body pain that he may be experiencing! We also see it increase an overall sense of well being. We’ve not seen it have any negative interactions when using in addition to insulin.

      I’d say it’s absolutely worth trying! For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      If you try it, will you keep us posted?

      Big hugs,

    • Hi Magnus,

      Good question!

      Has your veterinarian been able to assess your kitty’s eye and determine what’s going on (whether there’s an injury to the eye, an infection, or something else)? Depending on what’s going on will help determine whether CBD may be able to help!

      We’ve been CBD absolutely help with feline herpes, which is often one reason that kitties can have ocular discharge. For cats, we usually recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. It is to be given orally though, and not administered directly in the eye.

      Will you keep us posted?


      Will you keep us posted?


  55. My cat was diagnosed this past thursday with breast cancer. What is the difference between full spectrum hemp oil for cats CO2 extracted and CBD oil you recommend? Since marijuana is toxic to cats I assume it’s made from hemp oil also? is that correct? what would be the benefit of spending more on CBD oil at a lower dosage than the hemp oil? if made from the same plant- hemp. Curious if I need to find the money to get the other one? I know CBD cures cancer but if cat CBD is from the hemp plant what is the diffference in the effect and why the difference in marketing the item?
    No hollistic vet here so trying to find things to help her on my own.

    • Hi Diana,

      I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s diagnosis.

      The HempRx that we recommend is also full spectrum, using CO2 extraction! There is less than 0.30% THC in all HempRx products, so it absolutely will not get our kitty “high”. CBD is a derivative of the hemp plant, whereas THC (the component of cannabis that causes a “high”) is from the marijuana plant. Both plants are considered cannabis. It can get a little confusing!

      When searching for a product, we recommend ensuring that it is organic and pesticide free, CO2 extracted, with a guaranteed analysis or COA. This will ensure that your kitty is receiving the amount of CBD that you intend.

      I hope this helps answer your questions, but please let us know if we can answer any more!


  56. Hello Dr. Angie,

    My little girl has feline stomatitis. She is a month from being 2 years old. She had her teeth removed due to the severity of her condition but she still suffers from redness and inflammation. My current vet has not worked with CBD products and advised me to research the issue thoroughly prior to trying it on my kitty.

    Can you give me any advice on this matter? Specifically, I am looking for a safe product and dosing recommendations.

    Thank you!


    • Hi Jessica,

      We have seen CBD hugely help stomatitis!

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      If you try it, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  57. Your instructions say to start with such-and-such an amount and “increase slowly”. Increase to how much? I am giving CBD oil to my beloved Maine Coon who is dying from fibrosarcoma caused by a rabies vaccine. I just want him to be more comfortable. It seems to be helping somewhat in this regard — the vet I bought the CBD oil from said “1 drop per 10 lbs of weight, 2x/day” (and he’s gone from 14 lbs down to 8.4 lbs at present, so I’m giving him 1 drop, 2x/day). So, do I stick with 1 drop, 2x/day, or do I “increase slowly”, and if so, to how much? Thank you.

    • Hi there,

      This is a great question.

      Increasing slowly really can look different for every animal! If you find that the low dose is working for your boy, then you may not need to increase at all! If you feel that you are not seeing the desired effects, you can increase a few drops at a time over a few days (usually 5-7 days works well).

      Our dosing chart starts at 0.25-0.50mg/kg twice daily, but you can increase up to 2.5mg/kg twice daily if needed. We recommend finding the lowest effective dose, mainly because it’s so expensive!

      I hope this helps.

      Big hugs,

  58. Hello! My 15 year old male kitty has been suffering tremendously from arthritis for a couple of weeks. The vet was surprised at how quickly it took him out of his normal routine so they tested for alllllllll sorts of other things. Ultimately they think it’s simply arthritis. He’s currently on gabapentin twice a day and meloxicam every three days. Unfortunately I’m not seeing a lot of improvement and the effects of the meds seem pretty sedating. I’m having to bring him food and carry him to the bathroom. He can walk and does but just doesn’t seem motivated to do those things on his own. They also added Pepcid to his meds and an appetite stimulant as needed. He’s been on apoquel for a while for allergies.
    I was hoping to use cbd and scale back on the pain meds but it’s a fight to get him to take it. And tasing it myself I can understand why! The brand I’m using is reputable and I have friends that use the capsules with their dogs. Is there a more palatable option for kitties? He turns his nose up at anything I try to mix it with too. Oiy!

    • Hi Melissa,

      Thank you for reaching out! I’m so sorry to hear that your boy is struggling with significant arthritis.

      We’ve absolutely seen CBD be a game changer for arthritis cats! Are there additional ingredients in the brand that you are using, that may be making the flavor more potent? HempRx is what we use for kitties, and it has a mild, earthy flavor that is generally well tolerated. You could also try putting the oil on a freeze dried treat, or in a novel treat (like tuna!).

      I hope this helps! Keep us posted!


  59. My cat developed a seizure disorder at about age 3. Full evaluation did not provide any significant etiology. Phenobarbital worked for a short time, but she began having significantly more intense and frequent seizures. Started CBD oil and it shut them off like a faucet, as my husband says. We continued the phenobarb at half the dose. She did really well for several months, and now the seizures are back. She’s had four in the last few weeks. Interestingly, this is the time of year her seizures started. Do you have any thoughts about this? Thanks so much!

    • Hi Eva,

      I’m so sorry to hear that the seizures have returned!

      What dose of CBD is your girl getting and how much does she weight? I wonder if adjusting her dose would help?


  60. I have been looking into CBD oil to help with seizures in my 6-8 week old kitten. I can’t seem to find anything on the appropriateness or dosage in a kitten this young. Would you recommend? She has small seizures daily, and would really like to see how this helps.

    • Hi Lauren,

      I am so sorry to hear that your kitten is experiencing seizures. I know that must feel so scary.

      There aren’t any studies available for CBD use in kittens. Generally, we recommend starting at 0.25mg-0.50mg/kg (here is our dosing chart!). For cats, we recommend HempRx.

      I hope that this helps! Will you keep us posted?


    • Hi Regina,

      We have not used CBD for feline myositis. That said, CBD is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory.

      If you try CBD for your kitty, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  61. I have 2 black cats who get eaten up by mosquitos on their noses. My vet has said there isn’t anything to really treat the issue other than giving them Depo shots, which do help. Their noses are all scared up and they are always grooming and rubbing their noses causing the scabs to come off . Will the CBD oil help them at all?

    • Hi Vincent,

      Thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry that this is happening!

      It’s so hard to know if CBD will help this specific situation. If you haven’t yet, our best recommendation would be to visit a veterinary dermatologist. This is their speciality, and they will hopefully be able to address your kitties situation and come up with a plan that supports them both!

      Will you keep us posted?


  62. My 9 Year old cat has kidney disease and stomatitis. She’s been doing great for a couple years. I had a few rotten teeth extracted last year. Usually when she has a flare up my vet gives her a shot with antibiotic and steroid. Her last treatment was 6 weeks ago and it has gotten worse. She is completely off her food. She drinks a lot, but barely touched the chicken broth I made her. She recently developed a bleeding sore on her outer lip, so I have her in a cone.

    Have you heard if cbd oil is effective for stomatitis? I don’t want to add stress to her weak kidneys.


    • Hi there,

      Thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry to hear that your girl is not feeling herself. I am so glad that she has you and her veterinarian on her team, to advocate for her health and wellness!

      We have absolutely seen CBD help with stomatitis! For cats, we usually recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      If you try the HempRx, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  63. My cat was diagnosed with mixed mammary carcinoma this morning. She had a radical mastectomy this past Tuesday and had one tumor removed from the same side exactly a year ago (though that biopsy came back benign). She is 11 years old and my best friend in the world and I’m not sure I can put her through surgery again. This recovery has been incredibly difficult for us both. I would like to seek alternative options and the first thing that came to my mind is CBD oil. I am hesitant to even speak to my vet about this because I live in Florida and am not sure what kind of feedback I would receive. From what I’ve read so far, it depends on what kind of cancer it is that proves effective or not in breast cancer on female humans. I would love some insight. When you say increase gradually, is there a cap? How much would I be increasing, etc. originally I thought I would be applying it topically should any new tumors arise but it looks as though it’s ingested.



    • Hi Sarah,

      Thank you so much for reaching out. First, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet girl’s diagnosis. I know you must feel devastated.

      There is some research coming out, showing that CBD kills cancer cells. For cancer patients, Dr. Angie usually starts with 0.50mg/kg twice daily, working up to 1mg/kg twice daily by day 3. You can, however, increase to as high as 3mg/kg (although that may not be necessary, and finding the lowest effective dose is ideal mainly because it’s so pricey!).

      HempRx is recommended to be orally administered. Generally, if applied topically, kitties will just lick off anyway! 🙂

      I hope that this helps! If you try the CBD, will you keep us posted?

      Big hugs to you and your girl,

  64. Hi! I have an almost 15yr old kitty with IBS, kidney disease, feline herpes and allergies. He also had a bleeding ulcer. He is on sulcrafate, prednisilone, b12 and chronic(every 3 days) azithromycin. He recently had what appeared to be a possible seizure and is not jumping/ walking as he use to(started before possible seizure) i did bring him for chiropractic adjustment. I would like to give him CBD but am concerned about interactions with the medicstoons he is on. I saw the pred is okay but am worried about the other 2..could you help me and yoshi please.

    • Hi there,

      I am so sorry to hear about Yoshi’s current struggles. I know you must feel overwhelmed, and it sounds like you are doing an amazing job.

      The good news is, we have not seen any negative interactions with CBD and the medications you mentioned. For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope this information helps! If you try CBD, will you keep us posted on how it helps?

      Big hugs,

  65. I have a Maine Coon that is 11 years old and has “severe arthritis in both her elbows. She has been on Gabapentin for almost a year now. She weighs abought 15 lbs. The dosage is low, at least according to everything I have read and what the prescribing vet gave to me as info. Her med is 40mg / 1 ml. She is to get .5mL per day. Without going into the supposed dosage she probably should be on, is there any issues with using the CBD (Hemp Rx) while she is taking the Gabapentin? I would eventually like to get her off of it if CBD would work. Please advise.

    • Hi Dan,

      Thank you for reaching out – this is a great question.

      The good news is that we have not seen any negative interaction when giving Gabapentin and CBD together.

      We have seen CBD be a game-changer for arthritic kitties! If you give the HempRx a try, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  66. Thanks for your article on CBD. My 15 yo puss has been diagnosed with IBD and she’s not doing very well with the famotidine, prednisone and PRN Cerenia my vet prescribed. I now feel more informed to have a talk with my vet about trying CBD oil. Also, thanks for what you do for our furbabies.

    Franc Flores
    Denver, CO

    • Hi Franc,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty’s recent IBD diagnosis!

      Have you read Dr. Angie’s blogs discussing her approach to IBD in kitties? Here is Part 1 of the blog, and here is Part 2. It has a wealth of knowledge and recommendations that may really be helpful!

      We have also seen CBD help with some of the symptoms associated with IBD! It’s an excellent anti-inflammatory, helps ease discomfort, increases appetite, and reduces nausea. For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I sure hope that this information is helpful. Please remember you are doing a great job, and you cat is so lucky to have you!


    • Hi Sara,

      Great question!

      CBD absolutely has the potential to help, as it’s a natural anti-inflammatory. If the cystitis is ever triggered by stress, it also has the potential to help there as well.

      Please let me know if I can answer other questions!


  67. Dr. Angie. My cat is 5 years old and currently thriving with FIV and IBD. What combination of CBD would you recommend for her? She would require a liquid form of treatment.

    • Hi Melanie,

      Thank you for reaching out! I am SO thrilled to hear that your pup is thriving with FIV and IBD. You are absolutely doing an amazing job!

      CBD has the potential to really help with some of the side effects that have the possibility of showing up with each of these diseases. For kitties, we recommend HempRx. 1 drop has 0.50mg/CBD. We generally offer this through our online store. However, for the next week we are only able to take phone orders!

      Please let me know if you have any other questions! If I can help with an order, please let me know! I am available at 720-503-6646 ext 1.

      Talk soon!


  68. Hi there,
    I have a 5 year old male orange cat that has become extremely aggressive to both humans and other animals (that he once got along with and now can’t play with because he is so aggressive with them). I think part of it is boredom, missing me (I am only around 3ish nights out of the week now) and jealousy (he has always been really jealous any time I have another animal around me). I am wondering will CBD help at all with his aggression? Will it sedate him a little so he isn’t so crazy all of the time? I know some of it is behavioral but I think he just needs something to take the edge off.

    Thank you!!

    • Hi Emily,

      I am so sorry that your kitty is experiencing some serious aggression towards other people and animals. That is so distressing for everyone!

      We have definitely seen CBD help with some behavioral challenges. For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      We have seen HempRx cause some sedation – generally in animals that are already mellow or are older in age.

      We often refer our clients to Dr. Mieshelle at The Cat Behavior Clinic (she does phone consultations!) when they are having a behavioral concern with their cat(s). She is truly a wealth of knowledge and may be an excellent resource as well.

      I hope this information helps! Keep us posted!


  69. Hemp rx is so expensive. Ate there any more affordable options that work as well? I’m being my pet insurance won’t cover it..
    My baby has small cell lymphoma and he has a new tumor in his intestines. I’m sort of freaking out about it.

    • Hi Stacey,

      Thank you so much for reaching out! I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s diagnosis.

      CBD is so expensive, we completely understand! There are so many CBD options on the market. We have a few recommendations when shopping around. We always recommend CBD be organic and pesticide free. We also recommend researching the extraction method (i.e.: HempRx is extracted via CO2 extraction, which is the cleanest method). Another good thing to research is whether the company has a guaranteed analysis. Here is the guaranteed analysis for HempRx.

      I hope this helps!


  70. Hello, my 11 year old cat has severe anxiety when clipping his nails……
    My question is…do I have to give him CBD daily, or just before clipping? He is 25
    Pounds (mane coon).
    Also….will it help bacterial ear infections?

    • Hi Lynne,

      These are great questions!

      You can absolutely use the CBD “as needed” for when you trim your kitties nails. Alternatively, it’s not wrong to use it regularly either.

      We have seen CBD help with chronic otitis in one of our patients!

      If you try CBD, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  71. Hi Dr. Angie!
    I’m a little confused as to dosing Hemp rx for my 8lb cat..I understand the conversions of mg / lb but then it states 1-2 drops per day. She has arthritis and is calculated to receive 1.5 mg twice a day which seems like a lot. Can you clarify for me? I Thank you..

    Jamie Kurnik

    • Hi Jamie,

      Thank you for reaching out! Dosing does get a little confusing!

      Here is our dosing chart. For an 8 pound cat, we would recommend 2-4 drops of the HempRx daily. Each drop contains 0.50mg of CBD, so the 2-4 drops equals 1-2mg/twice daily.

      I hope this helps! If you try the CBD for your kitty, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


    • Sammy is 18. He’s been using 2:1 cannabis tincture for 33 months to ease arthritis pain. I dose 4 drops twice a day. He stopped limping and started playing 20 minutes after eating treats w/cannabis drops. He gets what I use for my arthritis: 2:1 cannabis in alcohol. Works for both of us.

  72. I have a 12 year old cat with arthritis in both front legs and either food or environmental allergies that cause her to chew raw spots on her leg. My vet has put her on Gabbapentin 50mg twice a day to treat the pain and the itch. Can cbd oil replace the gabapentin for pain relief/itch relief?

    • Hi there,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      We’ve seen CBD help tremendously with arthritis in cats! It’s hard to know if the CBD will replace the Gabapentin. I would continue working with your kitty’s regular veterinarian. However, we have not seen any negative interactions when using CBD and Gabapentin together.

      I hope that this helps! If you try CBD for your cat, please keep us posted on how it helps!


  73. Hi! I have two matching brother tan tabby kitties. They love to play, but one injures the other quite frequently. I don’t think taking Under Kitty to the vet to give antibiotics and possibly abcess treatment every other month is financially feasible or a good long term plan for kitty. Im wondering if cbd is a good approach to this problem behavior (likely good for general health and healing). Kitties are almost two years old.

    • Hi Teresa,

      I am so sorry that your boys cause injuries to one another frequently! How stressful!

      The good news is that there are a lot of different things you can try! CBD can absolutely be helpful for anxiety and other behavior concerns. We also often refer our clients and followers to Dr. Mieshelle with The Cat Behavior Clinic. She is an absolute wealth of knowledge when it comes to behavioral concerns in our cats!

      I hope this information is helpful! If you try CBD, please let us know how it goes!


  74. I have a question about my 14 year old cat with asthma, she has been on flixotide 125 mg for 4 years now. Has been relatively stable, though always breathes faster than normal, except spring and autumn still gives some problems, but as far as I know she hasn’t had an asthma attack for the longest time. I’m searching and searching but can’t find anything about flixotide in combination with cbd oil, nor experiences of cat owners. I’m very nervous about giving this extra as I’m affraid it may do her more harm than good, as it theoretically can stimulate side effects of the flixotide. She is kind of short of breath at the moment…And since we just lost 2 cats last week I’m very anxious about her now, the only kitty left. Hence my hestitence..

    • Hi Sandy,

      This is a really great question! We have not seen any negative interactions when using CBD and Flixotide.

      I hope that this helps! I am so sorry that your kitty is struggling with such significant asthma. If you try CBD, please keep us posted on how it may help!


      • Thank you Claire! I have very carefully started with the cbd oil, after consulting with my vet, a lower dosage than allowed so I can slowly give the normal dosage.
        I hear her breath when she breathes in not out, for quite a while now, not all the time. it makes me nervous, so she needs more than flixotide I guess. I have a rescue inhaler, salbutamol, but never use it. And I don’t know if it is wise to start giving that daily too, the cbd oil is supposed to have the same effect. But I’ve been told I shouldn’t give it simultaneously so I always wait a few hours.
        The (un)expected death of our other 2 kitties made me very scared for her. I will let you know when I see improvement 🙂
        kind regards

  75. I have an older kitty with quite bad arthritis in his back legs. I was also told he had early stages of kidney disease. I notice he seems more thirsty, and urinates more, when I use the CBD treats. He also is more vocal and tries to dominate his sister more often (lots of yowling, then grabs the back of her neck with his pretty much toothless mouth), which is surprising. It does seem to help his gait though. I decreased dosing a little, with lesser frequency hoping some of the aggressiveness and thirst will wane a little. Should I be concerned, and ok to continue with the cbd treats (Hemp Rx is the brand). Thanks

    • Hi Elise,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      I’m so glad that the CBD is helping your boy’s gait! Have you tried briefly discontinuing the CBD, to see if these symptoms discontinue? Another option is to lower the dosing and see if you can find a dose that is effective for his arthritis, but doesn’t cause the other behavior changes that you are noticing.

      Will you keep us posted?!


  76. Hi Dr. Angie – I have a 19 year old cat with pancreatitis, IBD, high BP, and arthritis. He currently takes Budesonide, Amlodipine, and Cerenia to control upset tummy from the Budesonide. Are there any dangerous interactions between these 3 drugs and CBD oil? I’d really like to give him something for his arthritis (and it sounds like it might help his other issues as well!). Thanks!

    • Hi Gretchen,

      Great question!

      Good news – we have not seen any negative interactions with CBD and these medications!

      Will you keep us posted on how the CBD helps?


  77. My cats have feline herpes. I have been giving them L-Lysine. However, I just started CBD for my one cat because he is nervous and it seems to be helping. How much should I be giving them and how often? Thank you!!!!

    • Hi Brooke,

      I am so glad that the CBD seems to already be helping!

      Here is our dosing chart, we recommend CBD twice daily. The dosing is based off of weight.

      I hope this helps! Keep us posted!


  78. Hello! I have a 14 year old male kitty that was recently diagnosed with squamous Cell sarcoma. He has a tumor in his cheek bone that is getting very large. He also has a large sore in his mouth from the biopsy we did to get his diagnosis, that unfortunately is not healing well. I bought the CBD oil and although he is still eating, he won’t eat his food if I put the drops onto it. His mouth is really sore, I hate to put anything directly into it. Do you have any other ideas of ways I might be able to give him the drops of CBD oil? Would it still be effective if I massage it into his fur? I appreciate any help you might be able to give, thank you so much!

    • Hi Christine,

      I am so sorry to hear about our kitty’s diagnosis.

      How is it going with administering the CBD oil? Is he eating without the drops in his food? Have you tried a novel treat, like tuna or a type of wet food that he enjoys but doesn’t normally get (also, something that may be easy to chew to avoid further discomfort). Some folks will place the drops directly onto a freeze dried treat, but I’m worried the treat would be hard for your boy to chew.

      You can absolutely try massaging the oil into his fur. We usually don’t recommend this route, just because kitties tend to lick it right off (although, maybe that would work too!).

      How is everything going? Please keep us posted!


    • My cat had squamous cell carcinoma in the throat area! She suffered greatly! I should have euthanized her sooner! The vet said we can wait! BIG MISTAKE!!!!

    • Hi Anthony,

      Unfortunately, we have not seen CBD help with hyperthyroidism in cats. I am so sorry!


      • Just as an FYI, my cat with hyperthyroid has had a marked difference since I started him on the hemprx drops a couple months ago; he had gotten so bad (due to my inability to pay for his methimazole on a monthly basis or dose him with it twice a day like intended) that you could physically feel the inflammation in his chest by palpating it. He gets approx 4 drops 2x a day, morning and night, of the strong stuff, and not only is his fur improving, but his inflammation has gone down significantly and he’s been more playful and social. I dropper the CBD oil onto his favorite treats (chicken greenies!) and he comes to me to take his medicine now instead of running away!

  79. Hi Dr. Angie,
    My 11 yr old male cat had IBD (takes 20mg of Atopica daily) , thyroid issues ( takes Methimazole), cardio myopathy (takes no meds) and now has arthritis. He is doing well, except the arthritis. Can he take CBD along with the other meds? His vets aren’t willing or familiar enough with it to discuss it as an option.

    • Hi Nancy,

      Good news! We have not seen any negative interactions when using CBD with these medications.

      CBD absolutely has the ability to help his arthritis, as well as the symptoms associated with IBD! If you try CBD, will you keep us posted on how it helps?


  80. Hi! I am seriously considering CBD oil for my male cat. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old (a rescue) and he is now 4 years old and, honestly, I had hoped he would have “calmed down” by now. I have two female cats as well. One is going to be 13 in a few months, and is extremely skiddish (and has been most of her life – just a thing we’ve all adapted to). The other just turned 10 and, until recently, has been such a good girl. But, she recently took to urinating on my bed (twice) and poops on the carpet down in the family room just about every other day now. I had a blood panel done on her to rule out any physiological issues, and also had her blood glucose levels checked. She presented as a normal healthy cat, clear eyes, skin a good color, no abnormalities found on physical exam. Any time the male cat comes into the same room with her, she flattens her ears and growls at him. She has become very “clingy” and wants to sit in my lap or up against my neck and shoulder like an infant, and at night she curls up against me really close. Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the snuggly aspect, but it would be selfish of me to not point out that this is out of character for her. She’s never been overly touchy-feely and now has gone to the opposite extreme. I think her problem is that she is stressed/anxious because of the male cat. We refer to him as bin Laden (because he’s such a little terrorist).

    Whenever either of the girls enters a room, he crouches and his body language says he’s getting ready to pounce. More often than not, he chases them out of the room and under my bed, where there is a lot of growling and yowling and thumping around. So, clearly, there’s something more going on that “playfulness.” The girls aren’t having ANY of it.

    Will the CBD oil calm him down, do you think? Or should I give it to the rest of us for OUR nerves? It breaks my heart to see the girls so “on guard” for him all the time. Their quality of life has suffered with this little terrorist in the home, but I can’t just boot him out without trying to work with the issue. Anyway, thanks for your time.

    • Hi Patricia,

      Thank you so much for reaching out! It definitely sounds like there’s some tension in the house, and I’m sure it’s causing you a lot of stress and worry!

      I think starting everyone on CBD is actually a great idea! It may help calm your boy, but then also help with some of the anxiety the others are feeling! For cats, we tend to recommend HempRx. For multi-pet households, the HempRx Forte is a great option. It is the same product as the HempRx, but the bottle is over twice the size and it’s double the concentration (making it easier to administer and making it last longer!). Our dosing chart is here.

      Also, our clients who are experiencing behavior changes in their cats have had massive success when consulting with Dr. Mieshelle at The Cat Behavior Clinic. She is an absolute wealth of knowledge!

      I hope this information helps! Keep us posted!


  81. Hi!
    I have a question regarding CBD oil I ordered for my geriatric cat with anxiety and urinary issues.
    The vet recently gave him Clavamox in case of UTI and Prazosin to relax his urethra. He also was given Buprenorphine for mild sedation and pain to be given from time to time but hoping with the cbd oil he won’t have to take this opioid.

    He’s urinating well now, in a great mood and a great appetite but can I give him the cbd oil while he is on these meds or wait until he finishes?


  82. Hello -great article! I’ve decided to try CBD for two of my cats for anxiety/stress. However one of them is diabetic and gets insulin injections twice a day. Can I give the CBD oil at the same time as the insulin (pro zinc) or should they be spaced out?

    • Hello Hettie,

      Great question! It is perfectly fine to give the CBD at the same time you give the insulin. Many people give the CBD oil to their cats mixed with food, so this might be a good option for you too. I sure hope it helps with your kitty’s anxiety. Keep us posted how things go!


  83. If we refer to your chart, how many ml correspond to your recommended mg dosing?
    My kitty has a dropper that is calibrated in ml.

    • Hi Carol,

      Great question! The amount that you give depends on the concentration of oil that you have. HempRx has 0.5mg/drop while HempRx Forte has 1mg/drop. For kitties you can disregard the ml measurements on the dropper because you should only have to give a few drops for each dose. On the chart, you can find the number of drops to give depending on the product that you have. If you would like to figure out how many mls to give you could do a little math. We recommend starting cats at 0.2mg/kg twice daily (you can work up to 0.5mg/kg). HempRx contains 15mg/ml of CBD and HempRx Forte contains 30mg/ml. There are 2.2 lbs/kg. Depending on the CBD product that you have, you can do the conversion from there. Here is an article by Dr. Angie describing how to do this calculation. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.


  84. My kitten is 3.5 months old and is about to get neutered is it okay to give him a full capsule of canna Companion cbd or should I do half a tablet? He is 5 pounds.

    • Hi Haleigh,

      Thanks for your question. We are not affiliated with Canna Companion, so I cannot make a recommendation on how much of their product to give. I suggest contacting the manufacturer for their dosing recommendation. CBD certainly may help with anxiety associated with your kitten’s visit to be neutered and also may help with discomfort following the procedure. Best of luck to your little guy!


  85. I would like to try CBD oil for my geriatric kitty. She has many ailments and is on many meds for them. She has kidney disease, IBD and chronic pancreatitis. I worry about her being in pain but she also doesn’t eat well. We’ve tried several appetite stimulants including Entyce. Mirtazipine and cyproheptadine seem to make her very restless. She recently had an IBD flare up and is still on metronidazole. Her other meds are benazepril, prednisolone, proviable, cobalequin, pepcid, cerenia and gabapentin. She also gets subQ fluids with added potassium every other day. Will CBD oil be ok to use with these meds? She weighs about 10 lbs so I’m also wondering how much to give her. Her current vet is awesome but not sure she how much she knows of CBD (we’re in the Denver area). Thank you!

    • Hi Jennifer,

      These are great questions! I’m so sorry to her that your kitty struggles with multiple conditions, it sounds like she is very lucky to have your companionship and care!

      The good news is that we definitely see CBD help with many of the symptoms associated with IBD, kidney disease and chronic pancreatitis! Additionally, CBD is an excellent appetite stimulant, which may also really benefit her.

      While there is still plenty of research to be done on CBD, we’ve not seen any negative interactions when using CBD in conjunction with the medications that your kitty is receiving.

      Usually for cats, we recommend starting with HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! If you try the HempRx, will you keep us posted?


    • Hi Karen,

      This is a great question! We have never used CBD for hepatic encephalopathy in our practice and we are unaware of anyone who has. If you decide to try it, please let us know how it works for your kitty.


      • Vet gave me Lactulose , its hard to give it to him and dosage is 3mm 3x a day so we’ve been giving it to him 2x with his food and i’ve also been giving him a dose of cbd oil … idk im hoping it will help him

        • Hi Karen,

          I totally understand how difficult it can be to give cats medication, especially when it is such a large quantity! If your kitty will eat the lactulose mixed with food twice daily with food, that is great! I hope the CBD oil helps him too. Please keep us posted. You are doing a great job taking care of your guy!


  86. I found two feral young cats in the yard of a house we bought. It took me about 4 months to get them In to my sunroom to eat and a full year to get them in the house. I bonded with one, Dannie, pretty quickly. The other, Charlie, took a lot longer to trust anyone. She would sleep under my bed and sit in the warmest spot she could find during day. She seems to be Siamese mix and has problems focusing and has always been skittish. That was 6 years ago. They both started sleeping on my bed and would cuddle on my lap but Charlie has always been “weird”. Last year we found out that Dannie had kidney failure and my little cat was dying. I gave her fluids 2 a day and she got to spend 11 more months with us. Since she passed, Charlie has become a different cat. She cuddles with me during the day but at night she moans and cries. I’ve tried keeping her busy during the day but she still does it. I’ve tried the collar with pheromones and sprays,, the thunder jacket, wrapping her bed with me, and changing her feeding schedule but no luck. I resorted to CBD oil but when I give it to her, she foams at the mouth and races around the house like a crazy cat. Is it possible I’m administering it incorrectly? I try to put inside her cheek It makes such a mess and I know she hates it. I’m using chicken flavored 550 mg beezbee cbd oil. After she stops foaming, she usually settles down (30 minutes later). Please tell me there is an easier way. My husband just needs sleep and rehoming her is NOT an option. And rehoming him would be harder than the cat. Thank you, Charlie’s Mom.

    • I’m sorry to hear that Charlie is having a hard time adjusting to life without Dannie. You are doing a great job with Charlie and doing all that you can to make things better for her. Animals experience grief and crying at night certainly may be her way of expressing it. Cats do however moan and cry for many different reasons; physical pain, dementia, thyroid issues, hypertension just to name a few. Has she been evaluated by her veterinarian to rule out medical causes?

      I imagine she foams after taking the CBD because she dislikes the taste. Some CBD products use hemp that is extracted with chemicals which can leave residues that probably taste terrible. I’m not familiar with Beezbee so I’m not sure if this is the case. Dr. Angie specifically recommends the Rx Vitamins line of hemp products because of their superior resourcing and manufacturing practices. They use top quality, organic hemp and use CO2 to extract the CBD which leaves no chemical residues in the final product. They also provide a guaranteed analysis of their products so you are sure you are giving your cat an appropriate dose and getting what you pay for. For kitties we recomend HempRx or HempRx Forte CBD oil or HempRx SoftChewz. HempRx Forte is twice as concentrated as the HempRx and it comes in a larger bottle so it is more economical in the long run. The HempRx SoftChewz are palatable treats and approximately 75%of cats will eat them. If your kitty is a picky eater, I would recommend the oil.

  87. Hi! Very informative article Ty! I have a 3 year old, 13lb very long haired calico. Keeping mats out of her fur is a constant struggle that I am losing due to many hours of my job. Currently, she needs shaving on her backside. Even though the shaver is quite if you get anywhere near her tail/butt area she gets defensive (as she should lol). Would this product make her a little more docile so we can just take care of her all at 1 time? Locally all vets around me charge hundreds of dollars to do this and I really don’t want to stress her. I am scared of impactment! Thanks!

    • Hi Janet,

      This is a great question!

      It’s absolutely possible that the CBD may help your girl’s anxiety around having her mats clipped. For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. The good news is, there’s a large dosing range for CBD! So, if needed, you will be able to increase the dose she’s getting.

      I hope this helps! If you try it, let us know how it goes!


  88. Hello,
    I have a young kitty with an undetermined condition. Our best guess is that he contracted Cryptococcus when he was just a baby, and it effects is CNS. He has been on antibiotics, Clyndamycin, for about 8 months now. As soon as I try to get him off the antibiotics his symptoms reappear. His symptoms are that he will have episodes (not seizures) where he will be almost comatose for up to 24 hrs at a time and he will drool, due to pressure on his salivary glands. This is very weather related, almost exactly like weather related migraines (seems like he can’t fluctuate the fluid in his spinal cord). I have a natural anitinflammatory spray that I give him which seems to help alleviate his discomfort and within a couple of hours he seems to be feeling better again. The last time I tried to stop the antibiotics he was down for about 24 hrs and when he came around he had lost his sight, it came back after 24 hrs and once the antibiotics got back in his system he was fine. I am wondering if CBD oil might help with the inflammation in his CNS. I can tell the fluid starts building up once the antibitics leave his system as he has a harder time breathing and gets very quiet and you can tell he is in pain.
    Thanks so much!

    • Hi Tracy,

      I am sorry for the delayed response!

      It sounds like you are doing an amazing job with your young kitty.

      CBD does have great anti-inflammatory properties, so it absolutely has the potential to help. That said, we don’t know that CBD has antibiotic properties, and so it wouldn’t replace antibiotics.

      For cats, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      I hope that this information is helpful!


  89. Our cat is 12 years old, 19 pounds, just started to have seizures, I think they’re vocal seizures. What type of CBD would you recommend?

    • Hi Alfred,

      I am so sorry to hear that your kitty is experiencing seizures.

      For kitties, we usually recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. There is a large and safe dosing range for CBD, which is the great news!

      We see great results using CBD for seizures. If you give it a try, will you let us know how your kitty responds?


  90. Hi Dr. Angie,

    Do you have any tips about making CBD oil more palatable? I’ve read elsewhere that food inhibits absorption, so I’ve been squirting the drops in the side of her mouth (a process we both hate!). Any suggestions would be helpful.


    • Hi Sharon!

      We haven’t seen any issue giving the CBD with food at this time! So, most folks will place it directly into their pet’s meal. You could also do a small amount of something novel and delicisou (like for a kitty, a small amount of tuna).

      It’s absolutely okay to place the drops directly into your pet’s mouth, but I completely understand that it’s a process that is disliked by all!

      I hope this helps!


  91. I have a question about applying CBD oil. My cat has terminal cancer in her nasal cavity. I have been giving her the appropriate dosage but her nose is starting to swell. Would applying the oil to the bridge of her nose help? Thank you so much. Vets in Ohio are not familiar with using the CBD for pets.

    • Hi Karen,

      Thank you for reaching out, and I’m so sorry about your kitty’s diagnosis.

      We don’t recommend applying the oil topically, most cats will lick it off.

      Are you using the HempRx? You could try increasing the oral dose, you could easily give up to 3mg/kg.

      I hope this helps! Hugs to you and your kitty!


  92. Can you apply hemp oil topically to reduce stress in cats? (rub on ears or paws) My cat is a major scardy cat and has asthma. I am trying to get her calm enough to get in a carrier to get her to a vet. Tried hemp oil in wet food, tuna and on treats– won’t touch them. Any suggestions

    • Hi Rita,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      We don’t recommend topical use of the CBD oil. Most often, kitties will lick it off. I’m sorry she’s not taking the CBD in her food. Have you tried a novelty food (something she never gets, that would be delicious). Judging by your post, you have! Some folks have had luck with placing the oil on a tasty freeze dried treat. Otherwise, another option is oral administration – which can be difficult and we completely understand if this isn’t an option.

      I hope this helps!


  93. Hi Dr. Angie

    I have 10 year old, 7lb indoor cat that meows very loudly at night waking my upstairs neighbor and myself up. I chase her around with a squirt bottle but I think it is a game to her. Do you think CBD might calm her down at night? If so, how much would you give her?

    • Hi Glenda!

      I definitely think CBD has the potential to help. For kitties, we usually recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      If you haven’t yet tried Feliway, that may also be a great option. It may also help promote a sense of well being; it is a sythentic pheromone that mimics the pheromones cats release when they are happy. You can even get it on Chewy.com here.

      Keep us posted!


  94. Hi Dr. Angie!

    Thanks so much for this resource!

    My cat has been diagnosed with Feline Eosinophilic Sclerosing Fibroplasia. He has a mass in his cecum and an enlarged lymph that is not operable. Our vet is prescribing steroids (starting next week). In the meantime, I’m trying CBD at the dosing for IBD.

    (He’s also had Chronic Upper Respiratory infections from feline herpes in the past, but has been asymptomatic for over a year. There’s no studies showing correlatons between feline herpes and Feline Eosinophilic Sclerosing Fibroplasia but it’s not beed studied yet).

    Have you ever heard of CBD working for Feline Eosinophilic Sclerosing Fibroplasia before? I’ve read that CBD can be contraindicated with steroid usage, so I wanted to check.


    • Hi Lisa,

      Thank you for reaching out! I am sorry to hear about your kitty’s diagnosis.

      We have not seen CBD work specifically for Feline Eosinophilic Sclerosing Fibroplasia, however it’s not to say it won’t help! We have seen it work great for URI symptoms.

      I hope that this information is helpful!


  95. Hi Dr Krause,
    My 1 year old cat has tested positive for coronavirus with possible FIP. He has belly distension, a fever and symptoms that point to FIP. We’re trying to combat his symptoms homeopathically and are wondering if CBD oil could also be used as an appetite stimulant as we provide him a diet high in protein and anti-inflammatories to bulk him up and lower his fever. Would this help him?

  96. My cat fights the people at the vet when I take him in. He hates being contained even though he is the most loving cat I have had. Sweet kid. They have hurt him before trying to give him shots. I was wondering how much thc would knock him out long enough for a vet visit. Its the only thing I can think of to get him in…

    • Hi Terry,

      Thank you for reaching out! We do not recommend THC for our pets. They have many more THC receptors, and the “high” is much more significant for them. We recommend CBD, which can be very helpful with anxiety or fear.

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here.

      Is there a veterinarian who does house call visits in your area? We have found that many kitties who have trouble in veterinary clinics do much better in this setting!


  97. Hello- when you say increase the dose, how soon, how much, for how long, what is the safe maximum. I want to give my elderly gentleman cat the best palliative care as he is in decline. He was near the end last year and we switched to all raw ground venison with hydrated chia and he became a reanimated cat. He is declining again, so I am thinking CBD is an obvious choice to relieve many symptoms of aging. He is now 18.5 years old.

    Thanks for your help and good work in the world!


    • Hi Gwen,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      Really, the increase of CBD all depends on the individual animal. Here is our dosing chart, but you can even increase to as much to 3mg/kg twice daily. Depending on the condition being treated, usually guardians will wait at least a week or two before increasing. Since there is a large and safe dosing range, you could increase a few drops each time (just ensuring your kitty responds well to the increase).

      The name of the game is to find the lowest effective dose, so assessing how your kitty responds each time will be important.

      I hope this helps!


  98. Hi Dr. Angie,

    Thank you for the great article! I was recently introduced to CBD oil for cats at a local farmers market and this has led me to do my own research. I have a 7 y.o. cat that has had chronic upper respiratory infections all his life. I’ve been to the vet countless times and Atopica seems to be the only treatment that has helped but I worry about long term side effects and use it sparingly. He also has rodent ulcer causing his upper lip to swell and has been licking the base of his tail until its raw and scabbed. After hearing about CBD, I am praying this could be the answer to his issues. I would appreciate any information you can provide and dosage if you feel it will help him. Thank you

  99. Hi Dr Angie,

    I have a 3 year old rescue cat named Brooklyn that has Grand Mal Seizures every once in a grate while. I started him on meds that the vet recommended, and had him on those for while. I can’t remember the name of them. However, they were making my Brooklyn’s mood change and I felt that I wasn’t allowing him to live an enjoying life. So I stopped giving him the pills. (Bad parenting) I want do start giving him CDB oil, but don’t know which is the best brand to give him. Any recommendations? Also, any better recommendations on an anti-seizure medications that won’t change his mood? Hopefully there is something out there better that can help him but not change him. I just want him to enjoy his life.


    Victo Baray

  100. Hello,
    My kitty is anxious and skittish. She takes altenelol a beta blocker for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Is there a possible interaction with the CBD oil?

  101. Can the extract be used topically for skin allergies? It’s very hard for me to get anything down orally. Could I rub the extract on his hot spots and then he either licks it off or it absorbs through his skin? Thank you

    • Hi Mary,

      We usually do not recommend topical treatments, as like you mentioned most of the time pets will lick it right off.

      Usually, folks will put the CBD drops directly in their pet’s meal (especially if their dog or cat is super food motivated!). Other times, people have had success placing the drops on a delicious freeze dried treat – something that is a novel, high quality option that they consider to be very exciting!

      I hope this helps!


  102. Hi Dr. Angie,

    I have 2 N/M cats who are on floraxetine for stress and inappropriate urination and while the behavior has improved its not 100% successful. Can I safely add CBD ?

      • Thanks Claire.

        I just received my HempRx – could you recommend the best way to administer it? My boys are very difficult to medicate. They refuse soft/canned food or treats and eat dry food from the same bowl . Any advice would be helpful as I want to try to avoid having a wrestling match with them.

        • Hi Gillian,

          I’m sorry for my delay, and I’m so glad that you’ve received the HempRx!

          How is administration going, have you found a good technique?

          Have you ever tried a freeze dried treat? Sometimes folks will place the drops directly onto them, with great success. Usually cats LOVE them, but I’m not sure if your kiddos will. Would they be willing to eat a very small portion of their dry kibble in separate bowls? Maybe when they are very hungry, and then place the drops onto the kibble?

          Keep us posted!


  103. Hi Dr. Angie,

    Thank you for sharing. I have two cats, one of whom often terrorizes the other. They used to be friends, but as the younger, male cat got older and bigger and as we moved houses a few times, he also got more territorial and became a bully to the smaller female. Would CBD oil be something to use to lessen his aggression toward her?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Katie,

      I’m so sorry there’s tension between the kitties, I know how stressful this is! I’m sure you are looking into all kinds of options!

      CBD can absolutely help with anxiety, and often promotes a sense of overall wellbeing.

      For kitties, we usually recommend HempRx.

      Please let us know how it helps!


  104. My cat has just been diagnosed with an inoperable cancer in the nasal cavity. She struggles breathing through her nose. What could I possibly use that would alleviate any pain and possibly string the tumors? Thanks so much for your help.

    • Hi Karen,

      I am so sorry about your kitty’s recent diagnosis.

      CBD can absolutely decrease pain. We have seen tumors shrink when a pet is on CBD, however we aren’t sure if it’s related to the CBD or the nature of the tumor (some tumors just change size!).

      I hope this helps! Hugs to you and your sweet girl!


  105. Hi Dr. Angie,

    I just purchased a bottle of HempRX from your practice for my 19 year old cat. She has had pretty severe arthritis in her back and legs for a couple of years now. We tried laser treatments and acupuncture, and these treatments worked well for a while. Lately, they have not seemed very effective- hence the switch to this produce. I have a question about safely using HempRX on an older cat with mild kidney problems. I don’t wan’t to give her something that could cause more kidney issues. My own vet refuses to discuss this with me, as she feels that medical CBD for cats has not been tested enough for general use. I don’t suppose there are any specific studies available, but I doubt I need to worry too much about long term side effects. Any advice you can give me would be welcome. Thanks,


    • Hi Karen,

      We haven’t seen kidney disease in kitties worsen once on CBD.

      You’re so right – we are still waiting for more formal studies to be done on CBD and our pets. They are slowly happening though, and we can’t wait for there to be more!

      I sure hope CBD helps your girl’s arthritis – we see great results. Will you keep us posted?

  106. Hi D Angie! Would CBD help my one cat be less aggressive towards my kitty (who is now suffering from urtheral obstruction and in the ER recovering.) I believe this happened from stress and also diet. I use feliway calming collars and infuser, I had one vet say give my more aggressive kitty Gabba 1ml but I’d prefer something more holistic. What are your thoughts and what products would you recommend if you think this is a good alternative.

    Thank you,

    Carly R

  107. Thank you so much Dr. Angie for this wonderful and informative article! My poor 14 yr old cat has had her life completely turned upside down over the last 9 months with me being gifted a kitten last year and then us moving into a house with 2 barky dogs and another cat last month. I got Feliway for her anxiety after getting the kitten but have lost it in the move and since I don’t have a great place to set up the diffuser I’ve decided to try CBD oil. I was extremely concerned about what to buy and where to get it at but you have put that all to rest, thank you again for your help!


  108. Hello Dr. Angie,

    My 16 year old cat just started chemotherapy for large cell lymphoma in liver, spleen and regional lymphadenopathy omental and cranial mesenteric. He originally was diagnosed with small cell intestinal lymphoma 18 months ago and was treated with chlorambucil and prednisolone. Unfortunately, the local oncologists do not incorporate any type of holistic medicine into their protocols. Yesterday he received Vincristine (first drug in protocol). He is also on Cerenia, Famotidine and Dex SP. I want to use CBD oil, but the oncologist recommended I do not give it to him due to elimination by the liver (like chemo)
    Do you use CBD oil in patients undergoing chemotherapy?

    Thank you

    • I’d like to know this, too. My barely 6-year-old kitty has liver cancer, and is starting chemo tomorrow. (I’m hoping they won’t tell me I need to put him down.) I’m grasping at all straws, and wondering if CBD might be an option. Thanks

    • Hi Karen,

      I am so sorry for the delay!

      If you are worried about pairing the HempRx with chemotherapy, you could always discontinue it 1-2 days before chemotherapy and start 1-2 days post chemotherapy. At this time we need more data to understand how to safely use CBD with chemotherapy. The latest pharmacokinetic study from CSU indicated the half life of CBD in dogs was 4 hours. We need these types of studies in kitties too.


  109. I use HempRx for my cat for seizures. He is also on phenobarbital. He is 16lbs and his dose is between .25 and .5. Which seems like a lot for his weight but I gradually increased until seizures subsided. He still has seizures but not nearly as often. My question is, have you seen the side effect of skin patches (missing hair and bleeding) from hemprx? My thoughts are that it is the phenobarbital but thought I would ask.

  110. My kitty has feline hyperesthesia. Please help me with proper dose of cbd drops for her. I bought a bottle this week. I have been using Gabapentin 300 twice a week. Works a little, but not too much. She found me 2 year’s ago, is 4, and. came pregnant. Feral, but now sleeps on my chest. Please help. Thanks

  111. One of my cats has eosinophilic granola complex that was treated months ago with prednisolone. The condition had been on her legs and neck and it was very bad. It healed there eventually, only to return on inside of upper left lip. Prednisolone has done nothing to heal it. Lip badly swollen with white sores.
    I’m hoping hemp mx will help.
    What dose do you recommend and do you think it might help?
    I also have her on liquid probiotics for cats.
    I’m desperate.
    Diana Fortinberry
    Tel: 850-227-5770

  112. Hi, I recently married. My husband has 4 large cats and I have 2 small Russian blues. We have bought a home together and hope to integrate them at some point. We will be able to keep them separated as long as necessary. I plan to use Feliway throughout the house. Do you think CBD oil would help to keep them calm?

    Thanks for any advice,

  113. I’m very excited to buy this for my cat. It’s still unknown what is 100% wrong with her as there are numerous things however I have discussed with my vet about using this after I found this article and they think it is worth it!!!

  114. Hello, I really appreciate your article.

    Do you have any experience with CBD oil and cats with eosinophilic granuloma complex?

    I have a 12 year old neutered male that has been diagnosed with EGC. He is currently taking 50mg of Atopica once daily, and 50mg Gabapentin twice daily as prescribed by his PDVM. The lesions are under control but he over grooms the inside of his arms and remaining back leg. (the other was amputated 3 years ago as a result of a fibrosarcoma) I am unsure if the over grooming is from the EGC or phantom pain from the missing leg. I’m wondering if CBD oil would help save him from himself. Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

  115. Hi Angie,

    I’m new to the whole CBD oil with animals. Very interested as my cats both suffer with FHV symptoms and one has skin allergies. I think I’d like to try the suggested chews treats rather than the oil since it seems the CBD oil could be potentially a more fatty option. For the chews, it looks like there is 1mg per treat so do I cut the treat in half and give to my cat per dosage? With it being a treat, it would seem there is no guarantee that there is an equal amount of .5 CBD in each half. Was wondering your thoughts on that or if you do advise to stay with the oil over the treat. My cats are at a healthy weight right now but if there is an increase in appetite, I’d like to minimize where possible.

    • Hi Gina,

      Good question!

      How much do your kitties weigh? The Soft Chewz dosage is 1 chew per 10 pounds of body weight twice daily. However, there is a little wiggle room, and we could work on keeping it at “whole” Chewz, as opposed to halving it.

      I hope this helps!


  116. Hi. I have a 12 week old kitten (3lbs 13oz) who has been having seizures since he was 8 weeks old. We have him on phenobarbital 6.25mg twice a day, and just yesterday started him on 2ml cbd oill twice a day. The oil is 10.4mg/ml cbd and <0.5mg/ml thc. Is that too much thc? Have you ever heard of a kitten this little suffering from seizures? Do you have any advice on what to do?
    Thank you.

  117. At what she do you suggest it is safe to give cbd to a kitten? I have a 12 week old who has been suffering from seizures and phenobarbital has been helping but has not eliminated or given us the results we would like to see. He is on the max dose and still seizes every 1-3 days.

  118. Hi Dr. Angie. Thank you for your article. Very helpful! I have kitty with kidney issues. She is very calm kitty herself 9 lb. Three questions: Will CBD oil help as anti-inflammatory? What dosage would you recommend? What do you think of this product CBD oil – pet releaf hemp oil 330, full spectrum cannabinoids for dogs and cats 100 mc organic active cbd, supplement facts per dropper – hemp oil 11.2 mg, cannabidol (CBD) 3.3 mg, other ingredients organic coconut oil (MCT), use suggestions cats 1/2 dropper. (Size of full dropper 1ml)?

    • Hi Tamara,

      So glad that you enjoy all of Dr. Angie’s articles. We love that you are finding them empowering as a pet parent!

      CBD is an amazing natural anti-inflammatory! Our dosing chart is here.

      There are so many CBD products out there, that it can be so hard to figure out which ones are quality, and which ones to use. When researching CBD products, we always recommend a few things.

      First, we recommend ensuring the product is organic and pesticide free. It’s also important to ensure the product has a guaranteed analysis. The other piece we recommend is finding out what extraction method they use. For example, HempRx uses CO2 extraction, which is the cleanest method.

      I hope that this is helpful for you and your kitty! Please keep us posted, we love to stay connected!


  119. I have an 11 year old cat who injured her shoulder jumping of the couch and since then she’s had a limp. She had an X-ray and there are no bone spurs or anything so my vet thinks it’s just soft tissue damage that won’t heal because she keeps jumping on and off of the couch/bed/etc. She did 2 weeks of prednisone and it seemed to help but only temporary. I am interested in CBD oil for the inflammation. I saw a brand that had good reviews called HolistaPet but I want to make sure the brand is reputable. Where do I start? And advice is appreciated.


    • Hi Erin!

      I’m so sorry your kitty injured herself, and I apologize for our delay in response!

      Did you ever find a CBD product? For kitties, we recommend HempRx.

      If you research other products, we recommend ensuring that they are organic/pesticide free. It’s also important that they have a guaranteed analysis and we recommend researching what kind of extraction method they use. Here is HempRx’s guaranteed analysis. Their extraction method is CO2, which is the cleanest option.

      I hope this helps!


  120. I have a senior cat scheduled to have a tooth removed (resorption) next week and he is currently on Gabapentin .3ml 2x daily to lessen hyperesthesia symptoms. 1) Are there any problems using the HempRX product alongside the Gabapentin, 2) will the HempRX help with pain from the tooth removal, and 3) would it be possible to eventually replace the Gabapentin with HempRX if it works to quell the hyperesthesia symptoms? I’ve been unsuccessful trying to discover the root cause of the hyperesthesia and want to work toward a more holistic approach to keep his symptoms in check. He is already a raw-fed cat (balanced diet going on 3 years) He also has 1 shrunken kidney, but SDMA test is within normal range. Any ideas? Thanks!!

    • Hi Diane,

      Thank you for reaching out!

      We have not seen any issues using Gabapentin and CBD together.

      CBD is a great and natural way to relieve discomfort. It could help with post-surgical pain, but if your kitty has extractions, he will likely need additional pain control as well.

      It is definitely possible that you could eventually replace the Gabapentin with the HempRx for your kitty’s hyperesthesia.

      It sounds like your kitty is on a great diet and in amazing hands! Has your veterinarian made recommendations regarding his kidneys?

      Hope this helps!


  121. Hi Dr. Angie!
    My cat has a thyroid problem and has been prescribed the Hills Science Diet for thyroid since it’s made with no iodine.
    Would cbd oil be beneficial for her? Any experience treating thyroid with it?

  122. Hi Dr. Angie, I have 5 cats, all 4 yrs and under…1 neutered male, 4 spayed females. One of them, over the course of 2 years, has become a “victim” cat. They beat her up any time they can, and they draw blood. I had to take her to the vet recently for blood in her urine – stress related – and inappropriate urinating. They live in separate areas of my house. I do not want to rehome any of them. I want them to live peacefully here. Please please help? Tell me what to do, I’ll do anything you say. Thank you

  123. What is the different between Milliliters and Milligrams? This is confusing. I am giving my cat between .15 and .2 milliliters of CBD twice a day. This has kept his “pre-seizure” conditions controlled, until he had a small seizure the other day (the first ever) and I was told it was an Anomaly and to continue with what he has been receiving since September 2017…..maybe add another drop. He has a lot of energy. He has a good appetite. He is alert and active. Sometimes, though, his digestion seems to be a little upset but that doesn’t seem to affect his appetite.

    • Hi Don,

      It can get really confusing!

      Here is a newer article that Dr. Angie wrote regarding CBD dosing for cats – it dives very deep into your question, and how to calculate a proper dosing.

      Otherwise, have you seen our dosing chart here? When using the HempRx oil, you will want to look at the dose in milliliters (which is volume) or drops.

      I hope this helps! Glad that CBD seem seems to be controlling his seizures – please keep us posted!


  124. What is the translation from .2mg to milliliters? The dropper I have begins at .25ml, then .5ml, .75ml and 1.0ml

  125. Hello, Dr. Angie,
    I’m considering this product for a 10 yr old feline with a large tumor by her right front arm that started over a year ago. She had a small tumor/mass removed and biopsied 1 1/2 yrs ago, which was malignant but uncertain of type. I opted not to do another surgery for this current tumor when it start 6 months after her initial one. Now a year+ later she is still thriving with what is now a large tumor, but no other tumors or symptoms. It has only bled when she scratched at it which is now resolved with a baby top.

    I’m writing to ask what your experience is with HempRx for feline cancer. It may be too late for her. Could it possibly reduce or at least maintain the size of the tumor? Or more likely just address pain and further inflammation? She’s her normal weight, friendly, interested and a big eater/drinker as usual.

    I appreciate your time & expertise, and understand if you can’t address her specific case unseen.

    Thanks so much!

  126. Hi my cat was recently diagnosed with feline leukaemia. He has always been high strung. I have been looking into cbd oil hoping it would help with his diahrea/digestive issues and his anexiety. Wondering if you have any advice or thoughts on cbd oil and treatments for feline leukaemia? Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Thanks

    • Hi Jeremy,

      I am so sorry that your kitty was diagnosed with feline leukemia.

      We have seen CBD help with some of the side effects – it is a natural anti-inflammatory, and can absolutely increase appetite. It’s also great for anxiety.

      For kitties, we usually recommend HempRx.

      I hope that this is helpful!


  127. My cat has chronic irritable bowel disease going on for 5 years. He is 19 and I lost his litter mate because he was starving to death no matter what I fed so I had to send to 10th Life. (I wrote a book called The Tenth Life by the way since I’ve had to say goodbye to so many four legged children I rescued over the last 20 years). Anyway, Forta Flora didn’t work, fiber hasn’t worked, Gastrointestinal Food (RX) hasn’t worked, canned anything doesn’t work although without canned food any cat would be in bad shape and I’ve always thought this was like Crohn’s but no one has an answer for cats. B12 shots may have helped a bit and because the cat cannot have dental, the cat gets a Convenia shot every 6 weeks to prevent abscess. (And I KNOW this doesn’t help the gastro problem).
    I just ordered something yesterday and would like your opinion. Certainly I will be ordering some form of Cannaibis because I have several cats I feel would benefit from it. I wish I could be part of a clinical trial for this on older cats but so many variables and most vets tell me old cats are kissed goodbye sooner than they should be due to expense….believe me, understand that but what do you think of bio-sponge (usually given to foals or horses who have diarrhea. I will be glad to report back to you on how effective it is with my cat.

    • I have found that some animal feed has a large amount of lead in it. Google Blue Buffalo lawsuit. Large amounts of heavy metals can cause reoccurring diarrhea. Fulvic acid can help shed the heavy metals in humans and in animals. I’ve read NOT to mix with chlorinated water or with fluoride water. It sounds like it is best to take it straight rather than mix it with fluids just to be sure. Once the heavy metals are shed the diarrhea usually subsides. I’m not a vet so I am just guessing because it sounds like you have thought of just about everything. It’s quite possible it is the feed or the water causing the issue. My cats kept getting infections for a long while and no one could figure it out. I put a water filter on my faucet and no more problems for years. It was the turbidity levels in the water. My sister always got diarrhea when she drank my faucet water until I got the filter. Anyways..hope it helps.

  128. My Bella is a 10 mo old kitten has feline leukemia. She is ill. She belongs to my 8 yr old. We lost our old cat less than a year ago. Santa gifted her this kitty and my 5 yr old the litter mate. As an alternative to putting her to rest I’d like to give her some doses of CBD and see if she will come around. She’s 4lbs. Should be 7. I want to be aggressive as she has no other options at this point. I have a 2.66mg/drop high quality CBD oil. How can I dilute this and what’s the max dose? Thank you!

    • It’s been 30 days since you posted this. Did your kitty survive? I would love to know what all you tried and if you had success with it.

    • Hi Joy,

      I am so sorry to hear about Bella’s diagnosis of feline leukemia. I know how heartbreaking this must bed or your 8 year old.

      I also apologize for the delay in response!

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx and our dosing chart is here. The drops can go on her food, or directly into her mouth.

      Big hugs to you, Bella, and your daughter!


    • Hi Joy,
      We have not been able to diagnose what is going on with my 13 year old Mr.Spunky ! I did some research and the scabs look like feline leukemia..He eats excessively, and drinks well. . I don’t understand this because we’ve been up to date with his shots… So thank you for posting this . I hope Bella gets better. I will say a prayer for her when i say a prayer for Spunky.

  129. Would CBD help a senior cat with hyperthyroid issues? She is losing fur and weight, and has a fast heartbeat and a voracious appetite.

  130. Hello Dr. Angie, My cat has stomotitis (sp) and I was wondering if CBD oil will hep with inflammation and pain relief of his gums? Thank you! Jaime

  131. I have a 20 pound 9 year old cat recently diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. We are changing his food to science diet c/d and giving him cosoquin. The cannabis oil sounds like it might be a good choice for him. What type of dosage do you think we should start with? Also, do you think we should keep giving him the cosoquin with the oil?

    Thank you for your time.

  132. I bought Charlottes Web CBD oil for myself but decided to try it on my asthmatic cat. The maker is Stanley Bros and it has coconut oil in it and I have been told that is not good, should I just toss it and order hempworks and use it for myself and the cat? Do I need to specifically buy a hemp product for cats?

    • Coconut oil has antibacterial properties and is not bad for cats. Mine likes to lick coconut oil and prefers the scented oil more than unscented coconut oil, but does like them both. She has mild asthma and has attacks when the pollen count is high or if dust gets kicked
      up and tends to sneeze alot, just one sneeze here and there. Coconut oil is a healthy additive to her diet for skin issues, anti-inflammatory, and digestion. I also give her a quarter teaspoon of “NOW” psylium fiber to aid in her digestion of food. She’s 13 yrs old and very active.

  133. Wow, great article! Thank you for this information!

    My cat Mia is 16. 5 years old, and she has triaditis. She takes b 12 injections monthly, and is on a daily pill regiment of prednisolone for inflammation, cerenia for nausea and vomiting, amoxicillin for diahrea, and cyproheptadine to stimulate her appetite. (I put them all together in a pill pocket so it’s all done in one go.) I also give her liquid buprenex in her gums twice daily for pain. Every other day we do sub-q fluids.

    For the most part, this cocktail seems to work and she’s a very happy kitty most days. But she still has occasional flare ups.

    I would love to try cbd oil and see if it helps her. Do you know if it’s known to have any adverse interactions with any of these other meds? Her current vet isn’t very familiar with using cbd oil and I hesitate to try to move her to a different vet because of her extensive history. We are in Texas.

    Thank you so much!

  134. Hi Dr. Angie,
    On your dosing chart you list both CBD and HempRx. What’s the difference? My 7 year old cat has always been prone to anxiety and hypervigilance. When I’m out of the house for more than a few hours she will over groom her haunches, leaving bare patches. If I go outside for a few minutes and come back in she acts like I’ve been gone for weeks which is why I think it’s related to separation anxiety. When I’m home for an extended amount of time the grooming resumes to normal and the patches grow back. I’ve never tried medicine with her because giving her a pill is impossible and she’s a finicky eater so I’m wondering if the oil might be the solution. Taking her to the vet is an ordeal setting her off in to a full blown panic (been this way since she’s was a kitten, not new behavior). I’m in Florida.

    • Hi Laura,

      Great question!

      I am so sorry that your sweet cat suffers with this anxiety! The good news is that CBD can help anxiety tremendously.

      The dosing chart is giving dosing for a non-HempRx product (that is CBD) vs using the HempRx (which is what we recommend and sell).

      For kitties, we recommend HempRx. For a finicky eater, I agree, the oil is the best pick.

      I hope this helps! Keep us posted on how she responds!


  135. Hello.

    My cat was recently diagnosed with pretty severe arthritis in her elbows. She also is in stage 3 kidney failure. Is the CBD oil safe to use on her?

    THank you!

  136. I have a rescue cat that has trust issues she sits with me but darts at any movement. Might this help and if so how much since she is on the smaller side.

    • Hi Shelby,
      CBD has helped many of my patients with anxiety. I like to combine CBD with environmental modification to help ease anxiety. You can find my dosing chart here.

  137. This is SO helpful. Thank you so much for putting this together. I have a 17/18 yr old cat who’s experiencing stress induced FLUTD from a neighbors new kitten and I am desperately looking/hoping to microdose some CBD to calm and reduce inflammation and information is so hard to come by esp for cats. And you’re in Boulder?! That’s where we are.

    • Hi, I adopted a rescue cat with FLUTD due to stress and food allegies. I am live in Alabama with limited Holistic pet care. Do you recommend CBD oil in this situation?

      • Hi Sheila,

        Thanks for your question! FLUTD can be caused by a number of factors including stress and inflammation. CBD has incredible anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to reduce anxiety in dogs and cats. We have also had great success in using CBD to help with environmental allergies. We have had mixed results with use of CBD for food allergies. Some animals who we suspect have food allergies have responded to CBD. We are unsure if this is because the patients had environmental allergies in addition to food allergies and the CBD helped their symptoms. In theory, CBD can help with the inflammatory response from allergies but to treat food allergies, a diet that is free of the allergen is needed for the long term. I hope this helps! If you decide to try CBD for your kitty, please keep us posted as to how it works!


  138. Do you have any experience using CBD instead of Prozac to treat a cat’s inappropriate marking in the house? My male cat has been on Prozac for 3 weeks, and although the marking has stopped (except for once), he is a very different cat on this drug. Thank you. Leslie Lambert

  139. Dr. Angie,
    I have an older cat (she was a feral kitten with issues) that has been on Zoloft for years. I will be moving soon and she will need something more to calm her. May she take the hemp oil along with her Zoloft?
    Thank you so much for any advise you can give me.

    • Hi Jeanne,

      CBD can increase serotonin. More studies are needed to learn the best way to use SSRI’s (like Zoloft) with CBD. When I use them together in practice I use very small doses to avoid overloading the brain with serotonin.

      Good luck with your move!

      Dr. Angie

  140. Hi Jan!
    Thanks for your post! Many practitioners are starting with 0.5 mg/kg of CBD twice daily. To switch lbs to kg, simple divide the number of lbs by 2.2. Let me know how it goes!
    Dr. Angie

    • Hello,
      Thank you very much for your post. We have a cat with a very aggressive oral cancer. He just got diagnosed last Thursday and already today he was stopping eating. Fortunately I figured out how to feed him with an eye dropper so he’s not starving, at least not today. We just got a bottle of hemp oil (made by La Luna) in the mail today and have given him two doses. My question though is about how much to give. The bottle says to give 1/4 an eye-dropper (which is .25 mg) twice a day but your post seems to be saying to give four times that. (Our cat is 8 pounds or so.) That would mean giving more than 2 full eyedroppers full. Am I doing the math right? .5 per kg (2 pounds) so that would mean 2 mg for an 8 pound cat, is that right?

      Do you think hemp oil (– I’m combining it with something called Life Gold which also had good reviews for cats with cancer) will actually be able to reduce the size of the cancer? Three doctors have now told us our cat’s cancer is inoperable because it is under th tongue and toward the back of the throat. I was hoping that if we could reduce the size of the cancer, maybe it could become operable? If so, how much could it reduce the size? Do you know of cats who have had squamous oral cancer that have kept it in check or recovered at all with the use of hemp oil?

      • Hi Carol,

        Thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry to hear about your kitty’s diagnosis.

        You can easily increase his CBD dose to 3mg/kg, which would be about 11mg twice daily for your cat. I hope that helps!

        We have tumors shrink on animals who are taking CBD. However, we don’t know if it’s related to the CBD use or the nature of the tumor (some tumors just naturally change size!).

        Usually for cancers, CBD is a supportive treatment and can help with easing discomfort, increasing well being, increasing appetite and many other applications.

        I hope this information is helpful. Big hugs to you and your sweet boy.


      • Hi Carol,

        We’ve also got a cat who had a similar diagnosis at the end of July…and our vet treated him with high dose prednisolone (steroid) with amazing results. He’s doing great (tumour shrank to being imperceptible…not a cure but has bought us a lot more time with him). The downside for him is that he has started to get a little irritated and I’m researching CBD as a way to mellow him out and make him more comfortable and came across this page. Thought I’d share our experience in case it can help you with yours. He is a 10lb, 14yr old male domestic shorthair rescue cat. She started him with an injection of prednisolone (40mg) followed by 20mg orally twice a day for 2 days and then 10mg twice a day for 10 days and then 10mg a day. We’ve split his dose so he is getting 5mg twice a day to see if he can tolerate that better and am looking at adding the CBD as directed here. Hope that helps.

        And Dr. Angie, thanks for the detailed guidance you post…very helpful!

        • Hi! I actually have a 12 year old kitty fiv+ and recently diagnosed with a tumor. The prednisolone is helping him feel better but hasn’t shrunk the tumor as far as we can tell. Today I started him on some cbd and was trying to find some information about whether it’s safe to give him both. If either of you can help me out i would be very grateful!

          • Hi Sonja,

            I am so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty’s new condition. It can be scary and overwhelming when are animals are not fully well!

            The good news is that we have not seen any negative interactions when using Prednisolone and CBD together. There is still a lot of research to be done, but we’ve not seen any adverse reactions.

            I hope that this information helps! Big, healing hugs to you and your boy.


      • my vet sold me a $10 tube of steroid cream which I put on his bad paw and it burned and he licked it and it cleared up my cats oral cancer and paw cancer in about a week. it was a miracle at the time I thought.

  141. Hi Dr. Angie, I am a holistic Massage Therapist and I use both hemp oil (CBD only) and marijuana oil (CBD and THC) legally in my Colorado practice to alleviate muscle pain, inflammation, and spasms. They both work really well! My clients love them and always feel better, so I know without a doubt how much cannabis can help medicinally.

    I have a particular product which contains 1 mg CBD per two drops of oil. (The oil base is coconut oil.) Therefore I can measure and control the exact amount of CBD…..

    Would you please tell me what would be a good dose for Squeaky’s asthma and IBD/pancreatitis? Can I put it on his food? Perhaps two drops with each meal? Thanks so much! Jan


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